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Questions tagged [hash-functions]

An surjective function that maps a set of keys to a smaller data sets of a fixed length. Cryptographic hash-function are supposed to be practically impossible to reverse except by brute-force.

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1 answer

can we decrypt a hash function of SHA256

if i have a hash SHA-256 , i want to decrypt it i know that result is in the format of string of length 40 which contains both small and large alphabet and 0-9 number (randomly) which method i have ...
Mr. Beast's user avatar
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Restoring hashed filenames from Juiced (2005) DATs

Where is the memory address for the hash function from Juiced PC executable to restore hashed filenames?
masmiller's user avatar
0 votes
0 answers

Figure out iButton hash of known stored value in 6 bytes

I have an old iButton which stores a floating number on 6 bytes, presumably using a checksum, for which I can't figure out the algorithm. Here are samples I have: value X1 X2 X3 X4 X5 X6 V1 V2 ...
user25767759's user avatar
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Unknown file analysis

I have a file, which supposedly contains an output of CRC32 hash. Problem is, file has no extension, type file (cat analogue) returns mangled gibberish, i.e. ёя╫жW▲{═Sb╨y¶|ИМ▐ВQ╙l9k╖▀у║?╩↓b☼┐R. TrID ...
flying_meatball's user avatar
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How to decrypt query string of an url

I need to decrypt the encoded part of query string i.e. Q7eM0euncHNyrhJPjN06lw== and sWmYdMUi01BJplzumEaxTw== from the following urls? https://XXXX/deed-check/view-deed-summary?encApplicationId=...
Learner's user avatar
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0 answers

can sha1 hash of file converted to sha2 hash?

I have a phone database /data/user/0/ containing information such as exif data and file name. there is a column sha1 containing value ...
alecxs's user avatar
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0 answers

Identifying a hash function knowing both input and output

I am creating a custom client for an old game. Now I got stuck on login to the server. I made several experiments with wireshark but it doesn't seem to be any common hashes. From my limited ...
Luigi Pinnilici's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

Anti-patching checksum [closed]

I'm busy with debugging a program in x64dbg and it has some kind of anti-patching mechanism so can someone please advise me on how I would go about finding the functions which are calculating the ...
jjprince's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Overclock CPU in BIOS - ARM/C/C++/Py

new guy here. Working on Bi0S script, adding as many features as possible. It is possible to change fan speeds, advanced security, manipulate voltages, etc. How do you overclock the microprocessor ...
Calculus Lui YaleTessy's user avatar
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Where can I find the hashing algorithm in source code?

When I submit login credentials in an Android Application it POSTs an encrypted string to an API endpoint. For example, if I enter the following email & pass : "[email protected]:abc" it ...
Dino's user avatar
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1 answer

Which function or file is responsible for initialization of g_37HashSeed

I'm checking tcpip.sys file in IDA and found that in the .data part there is an int called g_37HashSeed. This seed is an input for a hash function that I look into. Can someone tell me which program ...
anonymous bear's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How to debug an obfuscated self hashing program?

I need to understand what the following obfuscated application does: string = "lambda x : obfuscated_code_to_interpret_variable_x" interpreter = eval(string) ...
mercury0114's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

How is lite hash rate (LHR) of Nvidia implemented?

Nvidia limited some of their GPUs with LHR to decrease the performance of Ethereum mining. What in detail is LHR doing? It seems to limit non sequential memory operations (which is actually not what ...
David Jonsson's user avatar
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2 answers

How to know which hashing algorithm is being used?

I’ve been reading about digital signatures getting ready for some certification, and there is one question regarding this topic, that I don’t really understand. Let’s say that I receive a plaintext ...
retne's user avatar
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1 answer

Log input data and resulting hash for CC_MD5 calls in an iOS app with Frida

I am trying to understand the usage of calls to CC_MD5 in an iOS application. From Apple's man page I can see that when it is called it requires 3 arguments: extern unsigned char * CC_MD5(const void *...
Jon's user avatar
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2 votes
0 answers

How to find how a hash in generated in an iOS app

I'm currently working on an iOS app to replicate a signature which looks to be generated with a MD5 hash. I'm currently using Frida, but haven't had any luck replicating it. I've used the script to ...
Mat's user avatar
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0 answers

Determining a password-hashing function knowing plaintext + output

I have a password that has been stored and I'd like to figure out how it's been 'transformed' to be stored in my database. The plaintext password is: k4oK203$ And the password as it is stored 'crypted'...
carl.hiass's user avatar
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Hashing algorithm of length 50

I have been trying to reverse-engineer an Android application using Jadx for static analysis and Frida for dynamic analysis. The end goal is to be able to re-create the request signature, sent as a "x-...
Kévin's user avatar
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1 answer

cracking SHA256 if you think you know its original value but don't know which is it

I have a hash and what I think is its original value DRMSoftwareRadio-MERLIN-00000218 20030130 Frank Garnier [email protected] Witte Kruislaan 55 Hilversum 1217AM Netherlands ...
user3368585's user avatar
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Reverse Engineering a Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) encoding

Not sure if this is the right place so please point me to the right place if needed. I have an input of a VIN (Vehicle Identification Number) number with 17 characters, each character is either an ...
Andrew Xia's user avatar
3 votes
4 answers

Is it possible to build an equivalent function just looking at the input and output of the original function?

Imagine you are reverse engineering a software. This software uses a library, which is obfuscated and encrypted. The library contains a function, lets call it secret_function. This function is a pure ...
Rocco Mancin's user avatar
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Does anyone recognise following (USB,HID?) encoding method?

Im reverse engineering a Keyborard RGB LED Control Software and there is a Library called "HidServ.dll" that seems to be the interface between the Keyboard and the Software. Every Function of that ...
SinOfficial's user avatar
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1 answer

Tool to search known hash/encryption algo in files in Windows

I am looking for a tool (the best would be an Ida plugin) that can search files in a folder for a known hash (md5/sha1 etc.) and encryption (aes /rsa etc.). I know an Ida plugin called FindCrypt2 but ...
Uiomkokf's user avatar
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1 answer

How to detect md5 and sha256?

I use FindCrypt2 Ida plugin but it detect md4 and not md5 , and not detect sha256. How can I detect md5 in assembly? How can I detect sha256 in assembly? thanks
Uiomkokf's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Identification of RF hash algorithm

I have an unbranded LED lamp with a remote control. I would like to reverse the protocol of the remote but unfortunately I can't create my own packages. The frequency of the remote transceiver is 2....
0x6261627564's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Reverse engineering Nextbike API and random 16 character pre-shared key

I am trying to get to know how Nextbike's API works. It's not a public API but capturing the outgoing traffic with my phone I can see all the traffic and endpoints that are being contacted. I've ...
javierdemartin's user avatar
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Techniques for reversing (basic) hash function

Hi I'm relatively new to RE, and I'm using GDB and Radare2. As part of a crackme I'm trying to reverse a weak hash function that's a little too complicated for me to undo by hand. I've been trying to ...
Chase Kanipe's user avatar
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1 answer

CRC32 reverse engineer without knowing parameters, but knowing the input value

Dear members, I am trying to figure out the parameters of some hexadecimal CRC32 values I have. The values are: Value - input (before hashing) 55D3028A - J 73AF2D02 - O 6742BE71 - T I hope I can ...
EvilID's user avatar
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Struggling with an archive file format using "encryption"

I am currently working on a file format used to pack (storage only, no compression) different file types together for transport. There is some sort of very simple "encryption" used and so far I have ...
UntrustworthyKey's user avatar
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1 answer

Trying to reverse function to generate certain color strings from an HMAC signature - decompiled code LOOKS right, but my results differ

This might be a bit difficult to follow without context, but the gist of it is the following; I'm trying to reverse a certain application, and part of what I"m attempting to reverse in the app ...
Thirk's user avatar
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1 answer

Understanding hashing in cookies

I am using a website whose cookies are as following (when I'm as a guest at 3 different instances in increasing order of time) : eyJ0YWxrX3N0YXRlIjowfQ\075\075|1497742098|...
Bash's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

How to get file back from generated sha256 checksum?

The title seems little crazy, but I think that it is possible. Just think about it. If you create text file like this: Hello world! You get this checksum: ...
user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

Is there a way to find out which hash standard by studying the source code?

We have an embedded product, which we are carrying for several hardware iterations since more than 5 years ago. We have all the source code, most of it nicely documented. As the product is actively ...
EmbeddedGuy's user avatar
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2 answers

Identifying a very weak hash algorithm

I'm reverse-engineering a string translation file format for a particular game. It's ultimately just an ID-to-string map, where the IDs are four-byte integers. There are 1935 IDs in total; you can see ...
RoadrunnerWMC's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Reverse-engineer digest http authentication

I have an iOS app which uses digest HTTP authentication with nonce which expires every 5 minutes. The client calculates response as following: HA1=MD5(username:realm:password) HA2=MD5(method:...
Nikolay Derkach's user avatar
2 votes
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What checksum is Super Smash Bros. Wii U using?

When you save a screenshot in Super Smash Bros. for Wii U on the SD card it writes to, it makes two files: a .JPG and a .BIN file. Both these files are in the format of HNI_XXXX.EXTENTION, where XXXX ...
Miguel's user avatar
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Reverse engineering a hash generated from IP and unixtime - How to approach?

There is a website that gives you a token and the unixtime to access a resource on another domain. I can use those 2 values to access it like that: Example:[HASH]&e=[...
Alisamix's user avatar
3 votes
8 answers

Is MD5 hashing of files a valid method of creating an anti-virus program?

Is it a good way to create Virus signature in MD5 or it is better in SHA1 or SHA256 and why it is?
Ashutosh Jha's user avatar
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2 answers

Extract decrypted token from EXE

EDIT As some people have pointed out, this exe file classifies as a 'virus' on some analysers. I can assure you this exe is from a very trusted source, and is actually part of a large puzzle (which ...
Shai's user avatar
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1 answer

Reverse-engineering the generation of a hash?

Using a forward proxy, I have logged two payloads that are POST requests to a site, and I was curious as to what the best way to determine how a particular attribute in the payloads was generated. ...
Patrick Roberts's user avatar
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Reversing sha1 hash with 2 captured hashes

As an exercise we need to reverse a SHA-1 to get the 'original' message. All we know is that the lowercase SHA-1 of the code gives: B39ECFBC2C64ADBB7C7A9292EEE31794D28FE224 And, the SHA-1 of the ...
Ihara's user avatar
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1 answer

How do I find a collision for a simple hash algorithm

I have the following hash algorithm: unsigned long specialNum=0x4E67C6A7; unsigned int ch; char inputVal[]=" AAPB2GXG"; for(int i=0;i<strlen(inputVal);i++) ...
ASHUTOSH's user avatar
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5 votes
3 answers

Hash algorithm written in C decompiled with IDA

I have been working on rewriting a program, although it uses a hash to fingerprint the file, I have used IDA to find the function doing the hash and what it is doing to the file before it sends it to ...
Krum110487's user avatar
4 votes
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Reverse Engineering a 8 bit CRC checksum

I am trying to create a communication interface using C Language to an Air conditioning system, after analyzing the data packets I have identified that the data packet is consist of an 8 bit CRC (I am ...
Nick's user avatar
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2 answers

Highscores being sent as hash

There is a game that has been created with Unity which I'm trying to beat. It sends your high-score to a site and gets posted there. I've sniffed the outgoing traffic and the game sends your username,...
Komiblanka's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

SHA + Mersenne Twister

I'm trying to decrypt some audio files. At first I thought that they were encrypted using Blowfish, but apparently "SHA + Mersenne Twister used for generate key and decrypt". What exactly does this ...
puggsoy's user avatar
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Determine Hash Method - Busybox Linux

I'm trying to figure out how an ARM-Based device running Busybox Linux is storing hashes for users in a configuration file. Basically, the system allows you to backup the entire configuration to a ...
59e12ca75b3d's user avatar