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Questions tagged [hash-functions]

An surjective function that maps a set of keys to a smaller data sets of a fixed length. Cryptographic hash-function are supposed to be practically impossible to reverse except by brute-force.

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Reverse Engineering a 8 bit CRC checksum

I am trying to create a communication interface using C Language to an Air conditioning system, after analyzing the data packets I have identified that the data packet is consist of an 8 bit CRC (I am ...
Nick's user avatar
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How to decrypt query string of an url

I need to decrypt the encoded part of query string i.e. Q7eM0euncHNyrhJPjN06lw== and sWmYdMUi01BJplzumEaxTw== from the following urls? https://XXXX/deed-check/view-deed-summary?encApplicationId=...
Learner's user avatar
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Identifying a hash function knowing both input and output

I am creating a custom client for an old game. Now I got stuck on login to the server. I made several experiments with wireshark but it doesn't seem to be any common hashes. From my limited ...
Luigi Pinnilici's user avatar
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How to find how a hash in generated in an iOS app

I'm currently working on an iOS app to replicate a signature which looks to be generated with a MD5 hash. I'm currently using Frida, but haven't had any luck replicating it. I've used the script to ...
Mat's user avatar
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Struggling with an archive file format using "encryption"

I am currently working on a file format used to pack (storage only, no compression) different file types together for transport. There is some sort of very simple "encryption" used and so far I have ...
UntrustworthyKey's user avatar
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What checksum is Super Smash Bros. Wii U using?

When you save a screenshot in Super Smash Bros. for Wii U on the SD card it writes to, it makes two files: a .JPG and a .BIN file. Both these files are in the format of HNI_XXXX.EXTENTION, where XXXX ...
Miguel's user avatar
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can sha1 hash of file converted to sha2 hash?

I have a phone database /data/user/0/ containing information such as exif data and file name. there is a column sha1 containing value ...
alecxs's user avatar
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Where can I find the hashing algorithm in source code?

When I submit login credentials in an Android Application it POSTs an encrypted string to an API endpoint. For example, if I enter the following email & pass : "[email protected]:abc" it ...
Dino's user avatar
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Techniques for reversing (basic) hash function

Hi I'm relatively new to RE, and I'm using GDB and Radare2. As part of a crackme I'm trying to reverse a weak hash function that's a little too complicated for me to undo by hand. I've been trying to ...
Chase Kanipe's user avatar
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Reverse engineering a hash generated from IP and unixtime - How to approach?

There is a website that gives you a token and the unixtime to access a resource on another domain. I can use those 2 values to access it like that: Example:[HASH]&e=[...
Alisamix's user avatar
1 vote
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Reverse engineering Nextbike API and random 16 character pre-shared key

I am trying to get to know how Nextbike's API works. It's not a public API but capturing the outgoing traffic with my phone I can see all the traffic and endpoints that are being contacted. I've ...
javierdemartin's user avatar
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can we decrypt a hash function of SHA256

if i have a hash SHA-256 , i want to decrypt it i know that result is in the format of string of length 40 which contains both small and large alphabet and 0-9 number (randomly) which method i have ...
Mr. Beast's user avatar
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Restoring hashed filenames from Juiced (2005) DATs

Where is the memory address for the hash function from Juiced PC executable to restore hashed filenames?
masmiller's user avatar
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Figure out iButton hash of known stored value in 6 bytes

I have an old iButton which stores a floating number on 6 bytes, presumably using a checksum, for which I can't figure out the algorithm. Here are samples I have: value X1 X2 X3 X4 X5 X6 V1 V2 ...
user25767759's user avatar
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Unknown file analysis

I have a file, which supposedly contains an output of CRC32 hash. Problem is, file has no extension, type file (cat analogue) returns mangled gibberish, i.e. ёя╫жW▲{═Sb╨y¶|ИМ▐ВQ╙l9k╖▀у║?╩↓b☼┐R. TrID ...
flying_meatball's user avatar
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Determining a password-hashing function knowing plaintext + output

I have a password that has been stored and I'd like to figure out how it's been 'transformed' to be stored in my database. The plaintext password is: k4oK203$ And the password as it is stored 'crypted'...
carl.hiass's user avatar
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Hashing algorithm of length 50

I have been trying to reverse-engineer an Android application using Jadx for static analysis and Frida for dynamic analysis. The end goal is to be able to re-create the request signature, sent as a "x-...
Kévin's user avatar
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1 answer

cracking SHA256 if you think you know its original value but don't know which is it

I have a hash and what I think is its original value DRMSoftwareRadio-MERLIN-00000218 20030130 Frank Garnier [email protected] Witte Kruislaan 55 Hilversum 1217AM Netherlands ...
user3368585's user avatar
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Reverse Engineering a Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) encoding

Not sure if this is the right place so please point me to the right place if needed. I have an input of a VIN (Vehicle Identification Number) number with 17 characters, each character is either an ...
Andrew Xia's user avatar
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Does anyone recognise following (USB,HID?) encoding method?

Im reverse engineering a Keyborard RGB LED Control Software and there is a Library called "HidServ.dll" that seems to be the interface between the Keyboard and the Software. Every Function of that ...
SinOfficial's user avatar
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Reversing sha1 hash with 2 captured hashes

As an exercise we need to reverse a SHA-1 to get the 'original' message. All we know is that the lowercase SHA-1 of the code gives: B39ECFBC2C64ADBB7C7A9292EEE31794D28FE224 And, the SHA-1 of the ...
Ihara's user avatar
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