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Log input data and resulting hash for CC_MD5 calls in an iOS app with Frida

I am trying to understand the usage of calls to CC_MD5 in an iOS application. From Apple's man page I can see that when it is called it requires 3 arguments: extern unsigned char * CC_MD5(const void *...
Jon's user avatar
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How to find how a hash in generated in an iOS app

I'm currently working on an iOS app to replicate a signature which looks to be generated with a MD5 hash. I'm currently using Frida, but haven't had any luck replicating it. I've used the script to ...
Mat's user avatar
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Hashing algorithm of length 50

I have been trying to reverse-engineer an Android application using Jadx for static analysis and Frida for dynamic analysis. The end goal is to be able to re-create the request signature, sent as a "x-...
Kévin's user avatar
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