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Questions tagged [websites]

Interoperating with or deobfuscating web applications, often written in JavaScript client-side and various languages server-side

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WebAssembly Unity base64 decipher

When in game ( going to leaderboard and searching a player id lets say: 1. It renders player data retrieved from here just fine: If I type this url (get ...
Ion Iascerinschi's user avatar
2 votes
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Tools to hook browser's Javascript function implementations

I'm wondering if there is a way to hook or inject code into Javascript's implementation of a native function. For example, print the calling parameters whenever an encrypt() function is called. I not ...
tur11ng's user avatar
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How does detect I'm in Firefox when already using Chrome's user agent

It's well known that doesn't show the microphone search icon in Firefox, probably to incentivize people to use their web browser. (They give it on, which is weird for being ...
Powereleven 's user avatar
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Yelp: getting documentId for certain operationName

Going through devtools activity for this page (reproducible for any Yelp business page), there's a reference to a GetReviewSummary GraphQL operation in a javascript file. This data shows up in the ...
alpacafondue's user avatar
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Can’t download embedded audio

This audio sample that I’m trying to download: doesn’t appear to be listed when viewing the source code. I’ve looked over the whole page multiple ...
The Vital Supplier's user avatar
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Does anyone recognize this jQuery website plugin?

I am working on a site that was made years ago (not be me) and I need to identify a jQuery file manager plugin. This plugin shows a file manager view in a browser and allows the user to visually ...
colonelclick's user avatar
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Twitter scraping using Python

I've been working on a project to reverse-enginner twitter's app to scrape public posts from Twitter using an unofficial API, with Python. (I want to create an "alternative" app, which is ...
TripleS's user avatar
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1 answer

Reverse engineer decryption of cookie

TL; DR Is there any way you might suggest decrypting this cookie? It was saved under the name mail, so I suspect it encrypts an email address: ...
edvilme's user avatar
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Inbound network queries not appearing in developer tools of browser

When trying to understand the behavior of web apps, I find myself stumbling against the fact that some network messages do not appear on the network tab of the web developer tool of the browser. For ...
DevShark's user avatar
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2 answers

Reverse Engineering an ERP interface written in Flash

My college has its ERP platform in a Flash interface, accessible only via Internet Explorer. I am looking into ways I can interface with it via things like ruffle. So I can write my own frontend using ...
Blaine's user avatar
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How to reverse engineer Electron V8 Snapshot Data Blobs?

Electron apps nowadays seem to have a snapshot_blob.bin and a v8_context_snapshot.bin. I am having a hard time trying to find specification of this file type. It doesn't match with .wasm. Files may be ...
Haapavuo's user avatar
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How to get video file URL from Twitter

I am looking how to find the video URL of a Twitter video so I can code a converter later (using nodejs or something), but I can't figure out how to do this. I saw this but it doesn't really clear ...
Komali's user avatar
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How to modify JS with mitmproxy?

I am trying to reverse engineer a heavily obfuscated web application, and I would like to modify the JS to add logging. So far, I've set up mitmproxy, but I can't figure out what the best way to edit ...
Antimony's user avatar
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Duo MFA Enrollment API Parameters

Not sure if this is the right forum. I want to enroll my device for Duo MFA without using the Duo app. Duo uses simple HOTP codes, so I used this script to find the HOTP secret and enter it manually ...
Anonymous's user avatar
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Decrypt config.bin file from Huawei B5328 router. I have source files

I need some help in decrypting the file config.bin generated by the page backup_setting.html from Huawei B5328 router. I have access to all files in the router, even the www files hosted on the www ...
coolirc's user avatar
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Radare2 webui - need help setting it up

How can you set up Radare2 webui in Kali or Ubuntu or any other OS? I've tried so many different methods but none of them have worked so far. I think both of them are debian based so that might be ...
rockower's user avatar
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Find out where the string comes from (in Browser)

i.e. on a page, I see that after i.e. 5 seconds of page load, there appears a message: Hello Akubatula, you are wonderful. Lets say, i want to find out, from where does the word wonderful comes from....
T.Todua's user avatar
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What is the link between g-recaptcha-response one time token and deciphered audio text?

They are multiple reports of recaptcha v2 bypass. Most of the time, the explanation is neural networks services provided by Google or ɪʙᴍ. But there is something I am failing to understand : for most ...
user2284570's user avatar
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Ruby on Rails Code Analysis [closed]

I have 'inherited' a fairly large Ruby on Rails repository that was developed for a web application and am trying to make heads or tails of it. I am specifically looking at this from the perspective ...
user330994's user avatar
1 vote
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reverse engineering a website for the Html, css and javascript [closed]

Is this possible to do? I intend to extract those files and change all coding to make it my own. Its meant for a static website.
Rivash Harripersad's user avatar
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Understanding hashing in cookies

I am using a website whose cookies are as following (when I'm as a guest at 3 different instances in increasing order of time) : eyJ0YWxrX3N0YXRlIjowfQ\075\075|1497742098|...
Bash's user avatar
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Reverse engineering POST request body

I have a POST request that had spawned a PHP webshell. It has exploited the REST API vulnerability in WordPress versions 4.7.0 and 4.7.1. The body of the request is in binary (possibly gzip-compressed)...
McJohnson's user avatar
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5 votes
3 answers

How to get Video URL from embedded Link in Twitter

I'm trying to get the Video URL of ( ) I tried going over the source code but it give the same URL link <meta property="og:...
Sarah19953's user avatar
3 votes
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Possible to get the full url behind javascript button?

I am programming a little tool for patching. I found the microsoft update catalog, where all updates are stored, and I managed to look for some of them. But my problem is now that the actual download ...
0x9E's user avatar
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Reverse engineering a whole website [closed]

How do i reverse engineer every single aspect and functionality of a website so that i get an exact fully working copy of it?. All interactions including JavaScript, cascade style sheets, PHP to make ...
user87552's user avatar
-1 votes
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how can one cause heap memory buffer overflow in a worker process by using a specially crafted request? [closed]

i am to web applications so i have recently published my website and ran a penetration test using Acunetix Vulnerability scanner so i have found the following result and for me to experience a lot ...
Alexio puk2sefu's user avatar
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Reverse engineering a hash generated from IP and unixtime - How to approach?

There is a website that gives you a token and the unixtime to access a resource on another domain. I can use those 2 values to access it like that: Example:[HASH]&e=[...
Alisamix's user avatar
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SysTracer by clean?

SysTracer from (not from seems to be a very nice tool for live monitoring your system and check what executable files do at your system. I saw some videos on YouTube ...
John Doof's user avatar
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Reverse engineer StackExchange winter bash

I'm curious if it's possible to reverse engineer the hat positioning and control of the StackExchange winter bash. They offer the "show controls" checkbox, but it's still all mouse-based; when you ...
cnst's user avatar
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Where can I get a dataset of URLs of websites that diffuse malware? [duplicate]

In order to study some malware detection algorithms I am developping in my PhD, I would like to know where I could download a list of malware websites. Thank you
Omar Jaafor's user avatar
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Reverse Engineer Joomla fabrik calculator

I am wondering if it is possible to reverse engineer the calculator on this url: It appears to be a Joomla site with the ...
Bill Peet's user avatar
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NetEase Cloud Music: Getting search results in API

I'm trying to make a search request with NetEase Cloud Music's API. I have found the URL used for sending a search request over POST which is: with x-www-form-...
James Heald's user avatar
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Where to identify and access the main object/closure in a JavaScript web app?

I want to add missing functionality to a web app's front end code JavaScript code. I can find the code in the browser's developer tools by setting breakpoints and stepping through. But in a large ...
hippietrail's user avatar
3 votes
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How do you determine if a website was created using the Ruby language?

Without being able to look at the backend of a web app and only viewing the source code: Are there any certain directory structures that are common to Ruby? I'm looking to learn the language, but I ...
Charles's user avatar
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10 votes
4 answers

How to create an API for a web application without its source code?

There's a post here ( in which the author has tried to inform pretty well, as far as I can guess. The exact problem I'm facing ...
Mr Programmer's user avatar
8 votes
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Reverse engineering XKCD 1190

The latest (as of now) comic is titled "Time". It's a standard-looking comic though without much action, but the picture's alt title says "Wait for it.". I waited but nothing happened (tried in Opera ...
Igor Skochinsky's user avatar
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How do I identify the content management system used by a website?

If I go to a random blog or informational website say, having pages with information, a sidebar with an overview of the archives. I know that this website is built with a CMS. How can I get to know ...
user avatar
7 votes
3 answers

Get used jQuery plugins from website

I want to know what jQuery plugins Facebook uses for their special scrollbar, like the two on the left, not the normal one on the right: (source) Generally, how should I go when I want to know what ...
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