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How to restore IAT?

I have the start address and the end address of the IAT now im trying to restore the table/folder of it. the start address is: E7C000 thx for helping
Yoni's user avatar
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find a dialog in ida using resource hacker

I am having difficulties finding the dialog reference in IDA. e.g. i can trace a dialog in "resource Hacker" or "PE Explorer" which looks like this: 5035 DIALOG 0, 0, 295, 163 STYLE DS_SETFONT | ...
dandan's user avatar
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directX mapping for IDA

I'm reversing a DOS application and I see in the code and in the data section some numbers that translate to DirectX Keyboard Scan-codes (standard US keyboard layout) HERE how can I make IDA to treat ...
Moshe D's user avatar
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How to get rid of this "Additional Parent Function" visual block in IDA

I'm using IDA (free) 8.4. Each time I open a function (Windows x64) I get a possibly huge block of "Additional Parent Function" list on the right. It's useless to me and I'd like to know if ...
Igor-Rachid de la Fritoune's user avatar
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How to load mixed assemblies into IDA?

When loading a DLL that uses the CLR (.NET runtime) and contains native code, IDA (as of 8.4) will always prefer to load it as "Microsoft.Net assembly" with processor type "Microsoft ...
0xC0000022L's user avatar
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Unknown string encoding

I'm new to reverse, my question may be stupid. I am trying to reverse a function in the application that reads a string at the address and concatenate it to another char[250] v30; char[20] v31; ... ...
SHVED's user avatar
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Is it possible to run Ida pro in a docker container?

I've got a script that runs IDA pro on a file, the problem is that I need to run that script in a windows docker container. I've got the script working fine, but I can't get the program to run in the ...
Anthony's user avatar
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Why does IDA give variables a different name in Assembly and Pseudocode?

Why does IDA give variables a different name in Assembly and Pseudocode? In the picture below, you can see that IDA gives the stack location -38h the name var_38 in the Assembly view, but in the ...
Daniel's user avatar
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resolved IDA I get a warning "7687F932: Microsoft C++ exception (exc.code e06d7363, tid 15160)"

when trying to debug an application with IDA, I get the following warning: 7687F932: Microsoft C++ exception (exc.code e06d7363, tid 15160) After clicking Ok, I am taken to the kernelbase.dll line ...
Dan's user avatar
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How to use IDA environment to run python scripts?

I am trying out following technique: This is a deep learning approach for type and name recovery. It uses ida scripts to generate and preprocess the dataset. It ...
R4444's user avatar
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How can I make IDA disassemble in NASM-like syntax instead of MASM-like syntax?

I'm new to reverse engineering, assembly and IDA and I'm learning NASM. Whenever I load an executable (a PE file or an ELF) IDA disassembles it using a MASM-like syntax (it looks to me that it does) ...
LyZeN77's user avatar
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After loading additional files into an IDA database: can I process it, including applying PDB etc?

After loading an additional binary (.dll) file into an IDA database, is there a way to run it through a similar routine as would happen if the DLL had been loaded standalone? What I am aiming for is ...
0xC0000022L's user avatar
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DOS .exe File Decompiled in Cutter Program Showing Different Than In IDA Pro

I am having an issue when using the Cutter Reverse Engineering Program, Here is a Segment of Decompiled Assembly, in Cutter :- at 0000:4ed5 in the picture I posted the .string line of text is there, ...
Edward Winch's user avatar
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IDC script offsets

I'm new to IDC scripts and would like some help at trying to apply and offset to a binary I have in loaded in IDA. Sorry not sure if my terminology is correct but I have a reference in my file "...
AndS's user avatar
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Is a jailbroken iPhone is necessary to extract the ipa of a pre-installed app like iMessage?

My research notes: From my research, I have come to the understanding that in order to extract the ipa ...
rasputin's user avatar
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Is a rootful jailbreak necessary to debug imessage with ida pro for <= ios 16.0.3?

In this pdf file written by the great Saleo: Saleo was able to debug the called method names of imessage during runtime with ida pro, ...
rasputin's user avatar
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Log functions called in IDA Pro?

When I run an exe in IDA how could I log which functions were called into a text file? log.txt: call func1 call func2 call func1 call func1 Not worried about indirect calls. This is for differential ...
Eva4684's user avatar
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How to remove a node in CTREE

Im learning about CTREE in IDA. Here is my ida decompiled code: v3 = 0; if ( !strcmp(Str1, "hello") ) v3 = 100; return a1 + v3; At this time, i just want to mess arround with CTREE ...
Brian MJ's user avatar
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How do I extract sprites and backgrounds from .BIN files? (dos game - 1988)

Does anyone know what tools should I use to extract the backgrounds and sprites of this very rare old game: Armorik the Viking? The files are in .BIN format. No idea how to open them. I tried Game ...
Fab's user avatar
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Cyber Talent Basic Malware Reverse Engineering

I'm an absolutely beginner in the reverse engineering field. I have an exe program and I am to find: I have tried with Ghidra but i keep getting wrong submissions for the challenge. Here is the exe ...
Sheddymax's user avatar
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IDA pro Error how to resolve this error

52C187F5: The instruction at 0x52C187F5 referenced memory at 0x4. The memory could not be read -> 00000004 (exc.code c0000005, tid 672) How to solve this? I have seen sandbox reports in those the ...
Satyam Singh's user avatar
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Program Analysis on a Wargame Binary

I've recently took it upon myself to research more about reverse engineering, I'm currently testing my intermediate skills on various CTF hosting sites. Interestingly enough I have come across a ...
Gregory's user avatar
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Making an exe file to recognize the Persian/Arabic characters

So I have an .exe file (FileSplitter.exe) and want to change the texts in its GUI to Persian/Arabic (It doesn't matter either is Arabic or Persian). Thus I changed it at first Hex Editing using HxD ...
Fariwar Farsian's user avatar
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Access RTTI class hierarchy along with offsets from IDAPython

Starting with 7.0, IDA Pro parses and annotates exception handling information and RTTI. When you double-click on a RTTI Complete Object Locator right above the start of the vtable and then double-...
overflo's user avatar
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How to find the the event handler function for a QtAbstractButton?

I am not very familiar with Qt to begin with but basic PyQt tutorial showed that a button object is linked with its handler using the connect method that takes in as its argument the function that ...
Ajaykrishnan R's user avatar
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After jumping to a new segment, it warns "The memory could not be written"

I append a new segment right after the original ones in IDA, and I modify an instruction in .text seg to jump to the new seg to run my new codes. But when I use Local Windows debugger, it warns that &...
松云迷雾's user avatar
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IDA binary patch "has no file mapping"

I am trying to change one byte (TBZ to TBNZ) inside a ~40mb binary. Ive done this multiple times with other files but this time IDA is giving me a hard time by simply not patching and printing this to ...
Slluxx's user avatar
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Can someone help to understand code disassembly by IDA?

Can someone help to understand code disassembly by IDA? Basically this use for calculate key from seed. Here I would like to understand the logic and also I would like to know what would be the output ...
jtro's user avatar
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IDA Pro maps wrong variable for offset

I hope there is a proper way to fix my issue. Here's memory layout: .data:004F3D10 char * * gTownObjNames dd offset aMage ; DATA XREF: townManager::SetupTown(void)+245↑r .data:004F3D10 ...
mastermind's user avatar
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IDA debug function spawned by pthread_once

I am using IDA to debug android, some libs use pthread_once/pthread_create function to call a function. How do I use/set up IDA to debug the function passed to pthread_once ?
n0n4meRE's user avatar
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What is the most effective tool to analyze apk file

I have experience with android reverse engineering through modification of smali codes after de-assembling. I did modify some apps already for educational purposes. However, I am facing an issue for ...
Riva11's user avatar
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Ida Pro can't decompile big function

I tried to decompile (Pseudocode) a big function into binary with Ida Pro 7.7 but I got error : The graph is too big (more than 1000 nodes) to be displayed on the screen. Switching to text mode. (you ...
vtable's user avatar
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Problem to hook a parameter with _thiscall function

I have hooked correctly many games using detours without problems but now I have a problem with this __thiscall function: .text:00488DA0 ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ==========================...
user3449922's user avatar
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Convert IDA imagebase to detours

I have succefully hooked a game with imagebase 400000 (Ex: // LRESULT __stdcall sub_6D5040(int a1, UINT Msg, WPARAM wParam, int a4) Game.SecondaryFunctHookAddress = "0x2D5040" and the ...
user3449922's user avatar
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Rebasing program

When I start debug in IDA, it's appears small window "Please wait... Rebasing program", and it's take about 3 minutes. Is it possible eliminate this process named Rebasing program? It take ...
black4joss's user avatar
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How to byte patch a longer hex/byte from the original?

I am fairly new to IDA PRO I hope this is not some kind of stupid question but please bare with me. How do you change patch a hex/byte that is longer than the original? Example: When I try to byte ...
Zaraki Zenken Besin's user avatar
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How to convert addresses shown by IDA when statically analyzing a DLL to real addresses in runtime

In a DLL I am trying to reverse there often is a reference to something I believe to be a fixed pointer (like a global var) which looks like dword_10038534. The references I am talking about look like ...
Curious User's user avatar
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In IDA is there a way to load the PE headers after the initial loading?

This question is loosely related to this one. So I know of manual loading and how to achieve loading the PE headers using it. But suppose I have already worked on an IDB for a while and realize that ...
0xC0000022L's user avatar
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Warning: struct->til conversion failed

In IDA I noticed a particular struct (FAST_MUTEX) was actually part of a bigger struct whose size I could determine from the code. So I created a struct from the selection (Create struct from ...
0xC0000022L's user avatar
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Why Qiling doesn't recognize the right EntryPoint?

I'm trying to emulate an EFI driver. Luckily, I found a nice emulator called Qiling and try to debug it with GDB but it doesn't recognize the right Entry-Point. Here is the Entry-Point in IDA and in ...
Raafat's user avatar
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Which encryption returns 192 hash value it means 96 in bytes?

I am reversing an APK and there is a signature that needs to be found. The function from where the signature is generated is present in the .so file. I did small debugging. While doing it, the ...
Nirbhay Jain's user avatar
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ida shows instructions as hex data

I am new to reverse engineering. I did a couple of projects. now I was doing another project and faced kind of a problem. at the start of the program, there is a label that points to an address of ...
aiohioawhdoiwahdioawhioawhoiad's user avatar
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How to hide NOPs in IDA?

I am trying to understand a method in IDA Free and I find the NOPs, especially the multibyte NOPs confusing. Is it possible to hide these? I believe that they are not relevant for my understanding.
Thomas Weller's user avatar
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IDA tracing not working

I remotely debug a process with IDA Pro, and I want to print to file all the functions that are called. I have tried to use IDA Tracing, but it doesn't print to file.
vtable's user avatar
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Pascal string representation in Hex-Rays Decompiler of IDA Pro

I'm trying to prettify a representation of Pascal-string "Could not access file "" in Hex-Rays decompiler's output. As you can see below, now its type is char[25] due to inclusion of ...
AquaRegia's user avatar
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IDA Pro don't understand address extension register in HC16

Source: ROM:13A2 006 ldab #0Fh ; Load B ROM:13A4 006 ldx #0FA27h ; Load IX ROM:13A8 006 tbxk ; Transfer B ...
segar's user avatar
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Passing a pointer to a pointer to a string with IDA Pro's Appcall

I need to call an encryption function in a program with the following signature (the second argument is returned): char** __usercall decode(char** input, char** output) As far as I can tell, Appcall ...
hacker1024's user avatar
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IDA script: How to properly undefine a byte and then redefine code

I'm trying to correct the following instructions in IDA using a script: jnb short near ptr loc_1C61B1+3 It order to do this I'm running a snippet like this in a script: ida_bytes.del_value(...
user3238415's user avatar
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Is there a clear Ollydbg successor?

I used Ollydbg 2.01 back in 2014 when Olly was working to create a 64-bit version. I was very eager to see the 64-bit version, but sadly that never came to pass. I abandoned reverse engineering for ...
jamesluschen's user avatar
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Why IDA debugger keep receiving SIGTRAP or SIGSEGV after set a break-point and then deactivated that break-point

Here's the problem: I set a breakpoint in IDA debugger the program stop at the breakpoint deactivated the breakpoint IDA keep receiving SIGTRAP or SIGSEGV ( program stop at breakpoint as expected ) :...
ratsafalig's user avatar

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