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How to get which Tedit is referenced when retrieving text

Reversing a borland builder 6 application, I came across this function: @Controls@TControl@GetText$qqrv Now, the two parameters for the function are: LEA param_2=>local_8,[EBP + -0x4] MOV param_1,...
mark's user avatar
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2 answers

Finding the address of a function in an exe that I have the source code of

I've been playing around with some leaked source codes and I find that locating a function in source in the compiled exe is not so straight forward. And i'm thinking what are the ways to get that ...
Yang Jim's user avatar
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1 answer

How to split a variable into 2 variables in pseudo c code generated by IDA?

Some times IDA's decompiler translates more than variables into a single variable or an array of varibles, for example, I have 2 variables A a; // size = 30h B b; // size = 60h but IDA gives A arr[3];...
Nekomiya Kasane's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Which interrupt was called

cseg01:00046E80 sub_46E80 proc near ; CODE XREF: sub_46ED8+81p cseg01:00046E80 ; sub_47164+6Dp cseg01:00046E80 000 ...
black4joss's user avatar
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Shift operation and subtract in code

There is C++ code: int16_t ** g_Meshes; int32_t m_MeshPtrCount; int16_t * g_MeshBase; uint32_t *mesh_indices; for (int i = 0; i < m_MeshPtrCount; i++) { g_Meshes[i] = &g_MeshBase[...
black4joss's user avatar
0 votes
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How to access the demangled auto comment?

In this example, IDA has demangled the boost::fibers::context::active name normally, and you can access that name with ida_name.get_ea_name(ea, GN_SHORT|GN_DEMANGLED|GN_VISIBLE). But the function name,...
thejoelpatrol's user avatar
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1 answer

Hooking a function

So, I'm attempting to create a mod for an older game, Fable: The Lost Chapters. I was able to find the MacOS release of the game, which contains symbols, and I was also able to find a leaked debug ...
Reaper's user avatar
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Vtables in objects with inheritance in IDA

I'm struggling to get object inheritance working in IDA. The original structure is as follows: INoticeSource : INoticeSink IRTTITypeInfo : IUnknown, INoticeSource IPersist : IUnknown IPersistStream : ...
ZivDero's user avatar
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Where is IDA getting this symbol?

I'm currently researching how a certain malware works and patches some stuff in a certain Android's library. Inspecting the library -which is stripped- in IDA I was able to get the symbol for a ...
Arget's user avatar
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Patch all calls to a single function using IDC

I am quite new in reverse-engineering and programming in general, sorry in advance if this question is dumb. It goes like this: In c++ disassembled code exist calls to a certain function. 2 thousand ...
flying_meatball's user avatar
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Compiler settings for show main func in IDA

Why in dissasemble code in IDA, some programs have func "main" in begin (in start window in IDA) like this: cseg01:00038460 ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =============================...
black4joss's user avatar
1 vote
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Retrieve & dump type information from IDA Pro

I want to retrieve IDA Pro .idb database's each type info, such as: size and name of a structure; each member variable type and name; each member variable size and offset; And dump it to a .h file ...
void_17's user avatar
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How does IDA know the symbol names for classes and interfaces?

I am reversing a 32 bit library used by a Linux game (I am sure someone might recognize the engine used). I was messing around with cutter and when trying to compare it to IDA, which I have used in ...
trxgnyp1's user avatar
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IDA: Demangled name simplification in idapython

With idapython I would like to get demangled names with the name simplification (bottom of page) applied to them. For example, the following function: Python> ida_name.demangle_name(idc....
Blub's user avatar
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How can I create an `__m128i` datatype with Frida?

I'm working on reversing a c++ binary and it has a function that I want to call with Frida. Here's the function signature from IDA: const __m128i *__fastcall sub_0123(__m128i * a1); It doesn't seem ...
Myles Hollowed's user avatar
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IDA ATL C++ class reconstruction

I'm currently using IDA Pro to analyze a dll, but IDA Pro doesn't analyze ATL standard classes properly, including CString, so I'm trying to reconstruct the classes manually, but I'm having some ...
short dragon's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

How to bypass anti debugger? IDA Pro

Im new to reverse engineering and doing a crackme that requires me to make a keygen, yes i know making a keygen isn't a beginner task however im stuborn, i am trying to debug the program to understand ...
alias's user avatar
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How to add STL to Local Types in Ida Pro?

How to add STL to Local Types in Ida Pro? I can import debug information from a pdb file along with STL types, but I can't manually add STL types to Local Types. Also I can't import STL when I click &...
user avatar
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What is the output for this and how?

*(_BYTE *)(Key + Integer_count - 1) + 79 Here : Key = 0x22EC278 (dw 'Âx') or Stack[000015B8]:0019FC2C db 78h ; x Stack[000015B8]:0019FC2D db 0C2h ; Â Stack[000015B8]:0019FC2E db 2Eh ; . Stack[...
Satyam Singh's user avatar
3 votes
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purpose for using a == &a

I'm debugging dns.exe in Windows10 1809 and I'm really confused about one condition that often appeared in this file WPP_GLOBAL_Control == &WPP_GLOBAL_Control Actually, I have seen this kind of ...
anonymous bear's user avatar
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How to find the the event handler function for a QtAbstractButton?

I am not very familiar with Qt to begin with but basic PyQt tutorial showed that a button object is linked with its handler using the connect method that takes in as its argument the function that ...
Ajaykrishnan R's user avatar
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How do I reverse an exe packed with an unknown packer?

I got an assignment to analize an exe file with 97% entropy. It's obviously packed but I got no results from Protection Id or PEid about which packer it used... How can I unpack it if it's possible? ...
beytrod's user avatar
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Can I get a valid source code from this assembly?

I've used the IDA 8.0 Demo to retrieve (from a .DLL) the assembly code, such as: ; code pxor xmm0, xmm0 ucomiss xmm0, xmm1 ja short loc_67F31600 movss xmm2, cs:...
markzzz's user avatar
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IDA Free vs IDA Home (to have Lumina)

I use actually IDA Free and I want to know what do you think of IDA Home (particulary for the Lumina function). I don't found in Google a tool to know for exemple the functions recognized by the ...
Benoit POTIER's user avatar
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Turning very complicated arithmetic and reverse engineered check into useable code in C#

so I have this problem of me not understanding how to convert this one function into useable code in C#. Problem being that I am currently hooking into a game via C# and I want to rebuild a function ...
Oliver Vedel Rasmussen's user avatar
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Problem to hook a parameter with _thiscall function

I have hooked correctly many games using detours without problems but now I have a problem with this __thiscall function: .text:00488DA0 ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ==========================...
user3449922's user avatar
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How to speed up finding a function from pseudocode in IDA?

I have a function with the pseudocode of __int64 __fastcall sub_7FF7067A01F0(__int64 a1, __int64 a2, unsigned int a3) { if ( qword_7FF709F91498 ) return (*(__int64 (__fastcall **)(ID2D1Geometry *...
CoolNite's user avatar
1 vote
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How can I override a x86 instruction in c++?

I am trying to replace a jmp instruction with a ret in c++. How can I do that?
Mlemix's user avatar
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How to call and what means: _DWORD *__thiscall

I have one question maybe you can help, I always find this functions in IDA: void __thiscall sub_79340(_BYTE *this, int a2, int a3, int a4) And I use them like this: // talkChannel typedef DWORD(...
kuhi's user avatar
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2 votes
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How do I reverse engineer structs that are put as parameters in a function

how do I go around figuring out where to reverse engineer a struct? As shown in the picture below, I have this function called "struct dynamic_array" which I want to reverse engineer and ...
Oliver Vedel Rasmussen's user avatar
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How to restore struct fields

I have an object named ComputeService::RPC that is being used as input in a function inside a binary file: __int64 __fastcall ComputeService::Rpc::GetClientProcessId(ComputeService::Rpc *this) pc *...
E235's user avatar
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How could I find a call of a function thats only referenced inside a vftable?

So I have this function which I'm trying to figure out the arguments to. However, all the xrefs of it point to a VFTable. How would I find a call for this function?
Mlemix's user avatar
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How is it possible to generate C++ class header from a .dll or ELF file?

I loaded a dynamic library file to IDA. I can clearly see the function signatures from the "Function name list". There are RTTI items in the "Structures" tab as well, but I don't ...
Iter Ator's user avatar
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IDA interpretation of switch-case statement

This is my first question on this forum, so I hope that it would not be offensive or redundant. So recently I am attempting to developing some kernel extensions for Apple's macOS using the IOKit ...
vv001's user avatar
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Analyze Arm Linux CPP binary in Ida Pro

I tried to open CPP binary with Ida. Most of the code analyze well . The problem is that there are lot of vtables(Ida doesn't recognize them as vtables) that I need to reach them manually and pressO (...
yfr24493AzzrggAcom's user avatar
3 votes
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What is "nullsub_XXX" in vtable in IDA

When I looking in a vtable structure in IDA pro, I know that ___cxa_pure_virtual means that the function is virtual. But what does nullsub_XXX mean in a vtable structure?
vtable's user avatar
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Hex-rays decompiler incorrect logic

I'm practicing reverse engineering in IDA and I created an example application in Visual C++ to practice working with classes/structs and the decompiler output seems to be incorrect - I would like to ...
Naxin's user avatar
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IDA does not load PDB file

I have C++ project compiled (debug) with Visual Studio 2019, and I have IDA 5.0 Free version. When I load my .EXE file, IDA does not load correspond PDB file and return message: PDB total 0 symbol ...
black4joss's user avatar
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Does loading custom PDB help reversing behemoth program?

What I reverse : Old 4~8mb games compiled with vc++ 2006~2008(depends on version), whose source code is lost. It(they) has the mixtures of their custom structures, classes and directX sdk ...
d0v3's user avatar
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Can't find references (xref) to function

I am reversing a function and when I trying to see its references, it doesn't show me the calls to the function. It only show the place of the object in RVA. Is there a plug-in or something that I ...
E235's user avatar
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Ida pro doesn't demangle all function names

I am using Ida Pro 7.0 and working with a binary (firmware) written in C++ .Fortunately there are symbols in the firmware and I know function names but Ida didn't manage to demangle all function ...
Paul's user avatar
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Can't debug process with IDA Windbg debugger: "Could not initialize WinDbg engine with error: %1 is not a valid Win32 application"

I tried to debug a C++ that I created but I am getting the following error: I have this C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Debuggers\x64 in the PATH environment variable (based on this answer), ...
E235's user avatar
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Unrecognized function

There is function: push 65h push edi call sub_5D8750 In this case, function takes 65 bytes to be filled with zeros, and edi is memory address starting from which to fill these 65 bytes with ...
black4joss's user avatar
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How do I find missing/undefined vtable functions in IDA64?

I'm reverse engineering a game and came across some function calls like the ones shown below, how do I find where these functions are located / decompile them? (*(BaseClient->int640 + 304))(...
Z1Meme's user avatar
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How to replace a segment with a single structure consisting of the data in that segment - programmatically?

So I have something like this (I copied this from my other plugin functionality which simply creates a copy paste structure from the frame containing stack variables, while deleting them and then ...
rec's user avatar
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Is there a way to aid the IDA decompiling process?

I want to make all local variables contained in a structure with appropriate padding put in the gaps (unused parts of the frame). I want to do the same for the global data. And I want to rename ...
rec's user avatar
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Modifying program using IDA/Hexrays decompilation pseudocode

A bit long-winded, apologies in advance. Updates to the question are at the end. I'm experimenting with hooking functions in a program & modifying them based on the decompilation pseudocode from ...
daedsidog's user avatar
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IDA SDK - can't understand the output of displacement query functions?

OK so I want to parse x86 instructions with IDA SDK. However I can't understand the output, I have this code (that is executed after decode_insn at each operand that is present (type not 0)): //op is ...
rec's user avatar
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What are the way I can reverse engineer an obfuscated C++ program?

I am reverse engineering an program. I encountered a problem where I can't reverse engineer it as the program code is obfuscated. I realised the program is obfuscated thanks to my friend who noticed ...
The epic face 007's user avatar
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How to avoid database / code mismatch when developing and debugging your own code in IDA?

This seems like a very basic use case and I can't get it to work properly. I'm developing my own test application in Visual Studio c++. I want to test it through several IDA debugging sessions. Every ...
Eric's user avatar
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