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Questions tagged [function-hooking]

Correspond to all the techniques used to intercept function calls and to attach a piece of code before or/and after the execution of the function itself.

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Looking for DLL source code for spawning vehicles in GTA III [closed]

Can anyone write a DLL source code for spawning vehicles in GTA III, please? ChatGPT doesn't help me.
masmiller's user avatar
1 vote
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Inject DLLs into Xbox 360 games with Xenia

Is it possible to inject custom DLLs into Xbox 360 games with Xenia?
masmiller's user avatar
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Extending a Struct in a Compiled Executable

I'm currently extending an existing compiled executable (32 bit) using DLL proxying. My goal is to add a new member to a struct that exists in the original executable. For that, I modify the original ...
Alluvium's user avatar
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Finding entrypoints (native functions) in games/programs

I'm working on a personal project involving reverse engineering a game executable to hook specific functions. The goal is to create a modding framework similar to ScriptHookV for GTA5 or F4SE for ...
galla153's user avatar
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How to hook or call "non-native/non-exported functions"?

I wrote this simple application in C++ to learn about reverse engineering: #include <iostream> #include <windows.h> void PrintMessage(const char *message) { std::cout << message ...
Unknown X's user avatar
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How to trigger calls and attach to functions on a running process?

I'm a software developer, with some knowledge in memory management but near zero experience in reverse engineering. I wonder if there is a way to detect which function a program calls at certain ...
Unknown X's user avatar
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Hook: can call string::size() but crashing when reading string data... how to read without crash?

I'm hooking a function that reads and decrypt files and my idea is to read the buffer once it's decrypted: typedef void(__thiscall* _readFileContents)(DWORD* _resourceManager, std::string* buffer, std:...
kuhi's user avatar
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How does it calculate a backup checksum

in Ghidra I found a function that calculates a checksum and checks it against a checksum in a protobuf I'm stuck in this function for days and I tried using frida to get the ret value but it doesn't ...
Arito No's user avatar
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Read value from frida hooked native method Jlong parameter

I am new to using frida for hooking native android code i.e, so I have load the lib into ghidra and can find the native function. the native function is getting 5 params including jnienv and ...
hanan's user avatar
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Anyway to hook to change file content and return for application keep read it?

is there anyway to modify v2 before statement if(v2) happen?
user3082026's user avatar
3 votes
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How can I find out which system functions are used in applications using dynamic loading?

I'm trying to make an application that tries to hook a specific function. but I realized something while working, I can't hook functions of applications that use dynamic loading using the detours ...
DertliSelo's user avatar
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How can I detect which Android native function that is hooked by Mobile Substrate: MSHookFunction?

I want to detect hook behavior of MSHookFunction on Android. This is Mobile Substrate I use in my test app
Ken Kem's user avatar
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statically placing hooks on PE file's IAT

recently I started writing my own PE library for C++, and wanted to implement static IAT/EAT hooking, (basically hooking by patching the file instead of hooking at runtime), I managed to successfully ...
VEIL's user avatar
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problem with hooking __usercall function and asm code

I need a hook function with the __usercall convention. I already hooked functions that were defined as __usercall and __userpurge, but this time it's __usercall with arguments that are also passed ...
user42122's user avatar
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Redirect exception handler?

I'm working on a localization project and have a few trampoline hooks to translate some text in an online game. Periodically throughout gameplay, there are checks that run in the background to ensure ...
isuckatreversing's user avatar
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Is there any Android application that can manipulate the http response?

Is there any android app to manipulate http response body without vpn? for example: from "0|{random_string}|Wrong" Becomes "1|{random_string}|True" Thanks in advance
akunguti's user avatar
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How can I enumerate and hook all non-exported functions in using frida?

I was reverse engineering an apk and just found out it is using native functions for such operations. there are some exported and non-exported functions. wanted to get and hook those non-exported ...
hanan's user avatar
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Problem to hook a parameter with _thiscall function

I have hooked correctly many games using detours without problems but now I have a problem with this __thiscall function: .text:00488DA0 ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ==========================...
user3449922's user avatar
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SetPixel seem not work on some external window

I have succefully hooked a game and I need to do read and write with GetPixel and SetPixel to the game window. To do a test I have created this code: Here my hooked function: My_hooked_function(int a3)...
user3449922's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

How to hook to a system function

How to hook to external library function, such as OpenGL for example. I have a function used by the program I am trying to change behaviour of. The function is: lVar17 = glfwCreateWindow(uVar22,uVar25,...
Irbis77's user avatar
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3 answers

IAT Hook via Kernel Driver

I've wrote a kernel driver recently and it does multiple things, but I wanted to add a IAT hook for a certain driver. I want to hook the IAT of another driver from my driver if that makes sense. So I ...
Ballers's user avatar
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2 answers

How to declare a constructor in reversed class?

I wonder how to declare the reference to a constructor to a reversed class, i.e. I have a class say Game and it has a constructor at a certain address. It is declared like this: game.h namespace ...
Irbis77's user avatar
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Using struct objects and constructors in hooked function

Will try to reword the actual question so it is hopefully more descriptive and clear of what I am after: So, there is a function main, which I have successfully hooked. The hooked version looks like ...
Irbis77's user avatar
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Hooking IAT in remote process with Python?

I'm trying to hook a win32 function call (CreateFileW) inside of a notepad process to have the function do additional actions before returning what it should do. Ultimately, this will assist me in ...
tunemein's user avatar
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Inconsistency in function addresses of the hooked functions (address shift)

I came across "a strange" inconsistency in terms of the function addresses in the particular application. First, the main function is hooked successfully, the address is derived in a fashion:...
Irbis77's user avatar
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DetourAttach breaks with Illegal Instruction 0xC000001D

I am trying to detour a function using DetourAttach() in the following fashion: hooks::logDebug("swresample-3Proxy.log", fmt::format("Try to attach hook. Function {:p}, hook {:p}.",...
Irbis77's user avatar
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2 answers

Adding a hook to the end of a function

I have a (so-called) function with multiple entry points but only one ret. I am trying to understand how to add a hook to the function. The main problem I'm facing is the code that is placed right ...
EL_9's user avatar
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Cant hook into native lib with script?

im doing some practice stuff about hooking android native lib. I wrote this script: function processJniOnLoad(libraryName) { const funcSym = "...
Brian MJ's user avatar
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Using IAT Hooking to hook end of function

Is it possible? Maybe you can explain it with a simple example if that's possible?
Michael's user avatar
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finding a not-so-straightforward game's function

I am working on Mad Max game [ APEX engine ] I do my best to explain the situation. so my target executes function like this: there are commands like " call [eax+XX] " or " call RX &...
shetal's user avatar
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2 answers

Frida reading files is slow

I need to read a file around 2 MB into a byte array. var fis = Java.use(""); var file = fis.$new("/data/local/file.txt"); var fileBytes = new Uint8Array(file....
Cagri's user avatar
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Why do some antiviruses hook x64 Ntdll in WOW64 process?

Why do some antiviruses hook x64 Ntdll in WOW64 process? However, the same antiviruses do not hook Ntdll in the native x64 processes.
DBenson's user avatar
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Hook naked function with CPU registers

I need to hook this function: .text:005589CB sub_5589CB proc near ; CODE XREF: AddHealth(int,long)+1A↑j .text:005589CB ; sub_5328D8+98E↑p ... ...
user3449922's user avatar
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Miasm VS Triton - which to choose? [closed]

Hello and thank you for reading my question, I was wondering, which is the right tool for me to choose according to the following: I will be using it mainly for Malware analysis and for exploit ...
journey1's user avatar
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How use signature pattern for hooking

I like to replace the static function address: AddressOfHookSoundFunction = (DWORD)GetModuleHandleA("myfile.exe") + 0x0F3B65; // good: 4406117 (integer) using signature pattern: SigScan ...
user3449922's user avatar
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Function pointer reference

I need to hook 10/20 functions like these: static void* __cdecl HookFunction1(char *FileName, int a2, int a3, int a4); __declspec(naked) void HookFunction2(char *Src, int pedx, int a3, ...
user3449922's user avatar
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modern instrumentation for reversing and researching [closed]

i am really glad i found this great site and wanted to ask from your expertise regarding the following issue: i have been doing malware analysis and researching for a few years, and i want to learn ...
journey's user avatar
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how to hook __usercall function with microsoft detours

I need to hook a __usercall function in particular I need to read only the first parameter: char __usercall sub_4F3E6D@<al>(char *Src@<ecx>, int a2@<edx>, int a3, int a4, char a5, ...
user3449922's user avatar
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Easy way to attach a DLL to a Game

I like to attach a dll to a game to add more features. The DLL is 95% done, the problem is find the best and easy way to load this dll from the Game. My idea is use this technique: dinput_ori.dll (...
user3449922's user avatar
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Alternative to MS Detours (32 bit)

I have used MS Detours for one project in c++ and work perfectly. I have created a clone of this application (95% of the some code) to hook another file (a GOG game with DRM free), but this time crash ...
user3449922's user avatar
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What's the way to find a function on a unity game and how I call it after I find?

I'm a newbye, so sorry for the basic questions, before anyone downvote the question. I'm Learning reverse engineering, I've already learned assembly for mips on the computer science underdegree and I ...
Luiz's user avatar
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Crash after hook a function

I have hooked a sound function that work within the game menu after, when the battle start, the game will crash. The function at the first parameter get correctly the sound file name, before the ...
user3449922's user avatar
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frida - The specified child already has a parent. You must call removeView() on the child's parent first when hooking, how do you solve it?

I wanted to hook the method A1f in the below code but frida returns the following exceptions: Found instance: MyHomeFragment{9bbd8d5} (0965bca9-4838-4ca1-a835-d99639ae15f1)} java.lang....
hanan's user avatar
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best approach to hook function

I have found 2 source code example to hook a function. Example1: #include "detours.h" #include "sigscan.h" // this is the function that the program // will jump to when sum() is ...
user3449922's user avatar
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DLL injection (Failed to inject)

I have found this complete and easy example to test the function hook: #include <Windows.h> #include <iostream> #include "detours.h" #...
user3449922's user avatar
3 votes
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How are single-player games made into multiplayer ones? [closed]

I was always curious about how some single-player games are turned into multiplayer ones. Some samples are SA-MP and MTA, that turn Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas into a multiplayer game. In an ...
Stanley Sathler's user avatar
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what are modern hooking techniques? [closed]

i was looking at interesting anti malware roles (malware analysis and prevention) and among the required skills they mentioned that "modern hooking techniques" should be well acquainted with. i was ...
beginner's user avatar
4 votes
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Where do mouse/keyboard GUI inputs get queued or stored?

Where do mouse-clicks in a program's GUI window/menus (Windows OS) get stored in memory? Is there some sort of input/GUI "queue" similar to Windows messages queuing? I'm wondering if it'd be possible ...
Coldblackice's user avatar
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Detours not cleaning the stack correctly

I'm trying to hook a function using Detours for the first time. I'm new to reversing software and to hooking, so I may have missed something big here. I'm trying to use this function as a hook: ...
Stud's user avatar
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Hiding a file in a Windows operating system

I am trying to understand how to hide a file in windows as a way to learn about win api and malware analysis. What I am trying to do is to make a file "disappear" via some kind of manipulation. But I ...
turtle's user avatar
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