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Anyway to hook to change file content and return for application keep read it?

is there anyway to modify v2 before statement if(v2) happen?
user3082026's user avatar
2 votes
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How to hook to a system function

How to hook to external library function, such as OpenGL for example. I have a function used by the program I am trying to change behaviour of. The function is: lVar17 = glfwCreateWindow(uVar22,uVar25,...
Irbis77's user avatar
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How to declare a constructor in reversed class?

I wonder how to declare the reference to a constructor to a reversed class, i.e. I have a class say Game and it has a constructor at a certain address. It is declared like this: game.h namespace ...
Irbis77's user avatar
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3 answers

Modifying Windows DLLs

I find myself playing in strange territory lately, venturing far outside my comfort zone to test some theories. At present I want to return True every time a specific program calls IsDebuggerPresent, ...
Bjørn Ulfson's user avatar
3 votes
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How do I call a statically imported function from a Dll? call dword ptr ds <> not working

Disclaimer: I am relatively new to this whole RE thing. So I successfully crammed some instructions into the end of an existing DLL and redirected a call. Now I actually want to do things with a ...
Carraway's user avatar
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MSDetour not detouring SHGetKnownFolderPath

Tried to hook SHGetKnownFolderPath from shell32, using the normal DetourFunctionWithTrampoline, and it could not. Investigating, it seen that the application use GetProcAddress to load the function, ...
Shmuel Fomberg's user avatar
5 votes
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DLL Injection search for procedures/variables

I am learning DLL injection basics and different techniques to achieve it, like using CreateProcess and LoadLibrary for example, or simply replacing a .dll in folder where the application to inject ...
astralmaster's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

How to hook the entry point of a DLL?

I have written a C API with support for static import hooking via overwriting the corresponding IAT entry of an exported function. It works nicely for older simple applications, but for more modern ...
CaptainObvious's user avatar