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2 answers

Finding the address of a function in an exe that I have the source code of

I've been playing around with some leaked source codes and I find that locating a function in source in the compiled exe is not so straight forward. And i'm thinking what are the ways to get that ...
Yang Jim's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

How to pass an SVD file as an argument to IDA Pro in the command line (batch mode)?

I am trying to disassemble a few Arm Cortex-M3 .elf binaries and run a custom IDAPython script ( from the command line (in batch mode). I have been able to do that with the following command:...
Konstantinos's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Offset addressing

I’m writing a C-SKY (CK803S) processor module for IDA Pro, and a question arose about offsets in transitions, small ones are fine, but long ones lead to nowhere, from the documentation: in code I ...
Andynvkz's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

How can I find the buffer of CryptGenRandom?

I am trying to analyze the CryptGenRandom algorithm on my Windows 10 laptop. According to Niels Ferguson's Whitepaper called 'The Windows 10 random number generation infrastructure', the ...
Riemann's user avatar
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3 votes
0 answers

Find constant variables with float values using Ghidra

I dumped an with il2cppDumper and in the dump.cs I found that the variables I wanted to change its values are somewhat constant float. this is the snippet: // Namespace: public class ...
hanan's user avatar
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12 votes
4 answers

Why do reversers nowadays reverse engineer using decompilers and not disassemblers?

I see many reverse engineering lessons and every second person does reverse engineer using Ghidra decompiler and not disassembler as both are available in the same platform. I assume that reversing ...
Ramesses II's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Can't figure out a crash in IDA "The memory could not be read -> 00000710 (exc.code c0000005, tid 20612)"

I'm trying to debug out a game. Basically, the Steam version works perfectly but the GOG version (which is 8kb smaller) has an annoying problem where for some people (which happen to be me) the game ...
TensionRising's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Ida cannot open. a files of esp32 (Xtensa)

I tried to open this file with IDA Pro Ida detect that is ELF for Xtensa (relocatable) But when I tired to open it I got Undefined ...
Kokomelom's user avatar
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1 answer

ida jumping to address I can't see in driver

When I open this driver in IDA i can't seem to see the instructions that this jmp at 0x1400DC46D jumps to. I've tried to undefine bytes and re-analyze the function but it then ends up will garbage. ...
Ayyware's user avatar
  • 41
4 votes
2 answers

How to get the disassembly line without offset translations in IDAPython?

When I use GetDisasm()to get disassembly line, I find out that it will show some memory references as a variable name. For example, when raw assembly is: mov %r15, 0x20b062(%rip)` GetDisasm()'s ...
liubenxi's user avatar
  • 115
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0 answers

ida shows instructions as hex data

I am new to reverse engineering. I did a couple of projects. now I was doing another project and faced kind of a problem. at the start of the program, there is a label that points to an address of ...
aiohioawhdoiwahdioawhioawhoiad's user avatar
2 votes
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jump to invalid address when emulating

I am currently working on a deobfuscation tool for a Windows Driver (which is obfuscated). I am using Capstone to disassemble and Unicorn to emulate. I have run into a weird issue where the indirect ...
Ayyware's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Under what circumstances relative to instr rip+offsets to .rdata data may not match?

I have a 100Mb binary file, in which I need to find and patch specific bytes in a function. When disassembled in IDA, this function is the only thing that ever references on unique ASCII string via ...
Digika's user avatar
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1 answer

How to find out address in binary file (like IDA) with python code only?

I have binary for example that I open with IDA , and search some data that I want to find without open IDA ,only ...
Uiomkokf's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Statically Reverse Engineering Shellcode - IDA to Ghidra

I'm trying to follow along with this tutorial which is using IDA in it's example. Hash: ...
Elfwig's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

The Knowledge of Compiler for becoming a good Reverser

I just reached the the topic of Compilers in the book "Reversing:Secrets of Reverse Engineering" So, I want to ask, is the knowledge of Compilers necessary for becoming a Malware Reverse ...
Ramesses II's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

Unknown binary format (.scp) - No Header

I hope everyone is doing well. I've recently been trying to decode the structure of some files that contain a lot Unicode-8 IIRC characters, with a mix of binary. When I put it into IDA, I can't seem ...
Kevin's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

running IDA python without gui

I am trying to run IDA without GUI. My purpose is to run a specific script that receives arguments via my main program against multiple files, but for some reason, it does not work for me. Sometimes ...
Logan's user avatar
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1 answer

how can i decrypt huawei HG531s v1 config file?

I have tried to follow this guide but didn't have the required ATP_GetInfo1 function so i moved to the next file it had ATP_GetInfo1 ATP_GetInfo2 ATP_GetInfo3 ...
mina nageh's user avatar
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How to Find Password/ Bypass Password in a Switch Statement using IDA

I'm new to reverse engineering, wondering how access or bypass the password contained in the switch statement ? File Link
Leon's user avatar
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How to extract information from a binary file knowing the target info

I have some measured data comes from a various types of sensors. The sensors are connected to a data-logger in order to store measurement data. After measurement, the data transported and stored in a ...
engineer1155's user avatar
1 vote
4 answers

finding sequence of opcode in binary

I have dis-assmebled binary and want to check if it contains particular sequence of opcodes(obtained from other reference binary). how to do that . i know plain byte level comparison wont work as as ...
John's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

How to set the type of a variable or function to an std::string?

I'm using IDA Pro and have identified a function that takes an std::string as an argument. However when I click on the function and "Set Item Type", entering its definition: std::__ndk1::...
Claudiu's user avatar
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0 answers

How to find references for a string (where it is being called) in Go binary

I have a Go binary and I have this string: When I go to its location, with IDA Pro, and tries to find all the references (using x) I am getting a message that there are no references: It might be ...
E235's user avatar
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Reversing uboot on an aarch64 Hi3559AV target problems

I am trying to reverse uboot for an ARM aarch64 Hi3559AV target. I've dumped the binary uboot.bin.gz, and have loaded it in IDA at the correct address. IDA seems to see a lot of strings (and ...
Tis Me's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

Reverse engineering Windows Defender's signature for Metasploit Framework's metsrv.dll

As a pentester for a consulting agency, it is part of our job to "evade" antivirus after gaining code execution on information systems. It is indeed necessary to prove exploitation of vulnerabilities, ...
plowsec's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Ida - what is Parse C header file

In ida File->Load file there is option Parse C header file, I want to understand that . If I have the headers file that compiled with my binary I can attach and then see all the structures/function ...
Uiomkokf's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

In IDA, cannot find xrefs to string in ARM little-endian bootloader/firmware

In this firmware that is ARM Little endian. There is two strings : 0x00006953 : Foretrex 701 0x00006960 : Foretrex 601 The issue, is there is no direct Xreft to any of thoses strings ? For the ...
Lapin's user avatar
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1 answer

Recognize binary architecture

I have binary that run on Arm Thumb cpu, in embedded devive that not running Linux. When I tried to run bimwalk or file ,and even open it with Ida ,but they didn't find out that this binary run on ...
yfr24493AzzrggAcom's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How to convert Unexplored data in IDA Pro to code?

I am analyzing a malware, it has a lot of confusing methods, I wrote an idc script to remove confusion, use the MakeCode() function to convert some Unexplored data into code, but there are still some ...
ATree's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

GetProcAddress with 0 as lpProcName

I'm reversing a 32bit binary for a challenge I got at a college lab and I'm having a hard time trying to understand the intent of the asm code. The binary is a 10 level reversing game where you get ...
Daniel Bejan's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

binwalk on reversing switch firmware

everyone. I am a green apple in reversing. Recently i wanna reverse a switch but get some problems. i reaaaaaaaaly need your guys help. first i extract the .bin file from the switch and use binwalk ...
chandler's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

What is the difference between malware that is 'dumped' and one that is 'unpacked'?

On malware sharing communities, I have been noticing that the samples shared are marked as unpacked or dumped. I have tried to load the dumped malware in IDAFree, however, there is nothing in the ...
learnerX's user avatar
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17 votes
3 answers

Parsing/Rescuing corrupted IDA database

I'm reversing an application with IDA. My VM crashed and left the IDA database in a corrupted unpacked state. The next time I tried to load it back, IDA gave me the following error message: The ...
Dominik Antal's user avatar
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2 answers

How does an executable’s static API differ from it’s dynamic API?

Running an executable in Cuckoo sandbox gives me its dynamic API information. How do these API calls differ from their static API information (eg. If I were to just put the executable through IDA Pro ...
nidorinas's user avatar
5 votes
3 answers

Changing a windows name by patching create window function call

I use x64dbg and IDA Pro the process is 32bit. I'm not sure if I'm doing this right or not because I'm getting a crash which I'm not sure if it's caused by me doing something wrong or the startup ...
notvita's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

Combine various sub routines into one sub routine (IDA Pro)

Currently I am analyzing a .so file and there is a function which is supposed to be large (high number of nodes and edges). However, IDA Pro identified it as a small function, with various parts of ...
localacct's user avatar
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Identification of AES portion code in binary

I want to locate AES code portion in binary after reverse engineering. I have tried to locate manually and using plugin findcrypt2 but I was not successful. Kindly show me a direction so that I can ...
Waqas Khattak's user avatar
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Jump without jmp near

I need to jump a Hello, I need to jump some lines that lock program in a loop status. i use process hacker to find lines with string in binary but when i find this lines i have not jumps near, in ...
Luca's user avatar
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Using IDA to find pointer passed to procedure

Loading the source into IDA, I have this function: According to the source for Lua, this function should be passed a pointer to the Lua_State struct: LUA_API int lua_gettop (lua_State *L) { return ...
Blue's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Flare-ON#3: Problem understanding some parts in the program

I was trying the flare on challenge. When trying the challenge#3 I got into some trouble and could not solve it. After looking into solutions wrote by other I now do know how the program works, but i ...
Nishan Maharjan's user avatar
2 votes
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How can I determine a module to which function is related with IDA Pro

For example I have a function sub_7FFA95D8F120. I've checked out Views->Segments which shows .text segment. It seems that I am missing out something important. It would be great if someone explained ...
funkadelic's user avatar
8 votes
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Zte Reverse engineering config.bin file problem

I just got a Zte ZXHN F660 GPON ONT Wireless router with my optic fiber internet provided by my telecom provider. My first discovery was that the eth Lan ports are bricked wich means I can only use ...
SebastienDuval's user avatar
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IDA - large jump table, missing cases in analysis

I have come across the following jump table with a large amount of cases (160+). There seems to be cases missing from IDAs analysis though. For example it skips from cases 22 -> 38 -> 91, and I can ...
user3238415's user avatar
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Gui disabled program functionality

Right now I'm performing analysis of a GUI based application and I'm trying to determine all of it's available functionality. Right now there's one button remaining labeled "Encrypt", which is greyed ...
solumnant's user avatar
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How to split ARM code/data from binary in Inmarsat Isatphone Pro?

I'm analyzing the 3 binaries for updating firmware to the Inmarsat Isatphone Pro phone. Additionally, I'm following the Groundworks Technologies paper, and attempting to recreate their work as a ...
Walter Christie's user avatar
2 votes
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Radare2 does not display the entire assembler code

I am trying to solve this ELF - Ptrace crack me. Here are the commands I use : I start radare2 with the crack me as argument. radare2 ch3.bin I decide to go to the main and print the assembly code ...
Anonymous's user avatar
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Remove Binary from IDA Database

I saw the File -> Load File -> Additional Binary File option and tried it out. Now I want my original IDA database back (with just one binary), but can't afford to lose the comments I have saved ...
Numeri's user avatar
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Understanding packet byte structures with OllyDbg

I have written a small dll that detours the function that decrypts and encrypts game packets allowing me to see the packets being sent and received. Packets like login are easy to structure because ...
majidarif's user avatar
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When to create a keygen versus when to bypass the security jumps

I am a newbie reverse engineer. I was wondering: assuming I want to crack a program (With the permission of the author of course) and I have detected the Assembly where the program begins to check the ...
Potato's user avatar
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