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2 answers

How to get the disassembly line without offset translations in IDAPython?

When I use GetDisasm()to get disassembly line, I find out that it will show some memory references as a variable name. For example, when raw assembly is: mov %r15, 0x20b062(%rip)` GetDisasm()'s ...
liubenxi's user avatar
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8 votes
1 answer

Zte Reverse engineering config.bin file problem

I just got a Zte ZXHN F660 GPON ONT Wireless router with my optic fiber internet provided by my telecom provider. My first discovery was that the eth Lan ports are bricked wich means I can only use ...
SebastienDuval's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Find the C++ STL functions in a binary

I have a binary file (actually, an operating system for an ARM embedded device which also contains some high-level apps (hard coded in the user interface)). I know some parts of the operating system ...
m4524t's user avatar
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3 votes
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Find constant variables with float values using Ghidra

I dumped an with il2cppDumper and in the dump.cs I found that the variables I wanted to change its values are somewhat constant float. this is the snippet: // Namespace: public class ...
hanan's user avatar
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