Why in dissasemble code in IDA, some programs have func "main" in begin (in start window in IDA) like this:
cseg01:00038460 ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
cseg01:00038460 ; Attributes: noreturn
cseg01:00038460 main_ proc near ; CODE XREF: __CMain+40p
cseg01:00038460 push ecx
cseg01:00038461 push esi
cseg01:00038462 push ebp
cseg01:00038463 mov edx, 1
But some programs have func "start" in begin like this:
cseg01:00010124 ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
cseg01:00010124 public start
cseg01:00010124 start proc near
cseg01:00010124 jmp short loc_10186
cseg01:00010186 loc_10186: ; CODE XREF: startj
cseg01:00010186 sti
cseg01:00010187 and esp, 0FFFFFFFCh
cseg01:0001018A mov ebx, esp
cseg01:0001018C mov dword_20110, ebx
cseg01:00010192 mov dword_200FC, ebx
And in this second case func "main" located somewhere in code and named just not "main" mere with prefix sub_.
This probably depends on the C++ compiler (linker) settings, how to configure the C++ compiler (linker) always for "main" func show?