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4 votes

How can I find my variables in the running process?

Your std::string is not a plain ascii string it is a structure (actually a class) so you cannot take the address and find the string. In your specific case since your string test's length is less ...
blabb's user avatar
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2 votes

How does this local var get assigned?

probably the Buffer variable is accessed indirectly by one of the called functions and var_22C is actually part of the buffer.
Igor Skochinsky's user avatar
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There is any way to see the subroutine local variables values and who actually access them?

If you have a debugger with access to symbols, then you can run to the start of the function, and then place watches on the symbol names. In the absence of a debugger, if you can hook the function ...
peter ferrie's user avatar
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Is there any way to create alias/variable for memory-related value in Radare 2?

So, it turns out, there is no way to do it in Radare2. However, I created a plugin with a huge help from pancake, that allows just that: Installation is as ...
satk0's user avatar
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1 vote

Find out the name of constants and var in IDA pro

Generally speaking, this is not possible with any reverse engineering tool. If the programmer created custom #define statements to associate numbers with symbolic names, this information will be ...
Rolf Rolles's user avatar
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How to watch a function's local variable in GDB?

You could use a Watchpoint The simplest way to do it is to use a watchpoint. A watchpoint will stop execution when a certain memory address is read or written. According to the GDB Manual section on ...
Gogeta70's user avatar
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Local variables and addition not shown in Ghidra

you may either need to use the local variables or compile with optimizations disabled I assume you are using msvc on windows ?? shown below is a snippet that was compiled on x64 for x64 in win 10 ...
blabb's user avatar
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How can I find my variables in the running process?

Answer of blabb is correct, I will just add some more information. You are looking at wrong window of x64 for searching values. As you can see in your picture content of this window (CPU) is ...
Rok Tavčar's user avatar
1 vote

Dolphin Emulator Android port modifications

After I did some more digging in the APK, I found what handles the fylesystem for the emulator. It is the binary. Because it is handled by this file, modifying it is next to imposdible, ...
Mr. Mendelli's user avatar
1 vote

How does this local var get assigned?

As far as I can see this mov al, [ebp+var_22C] command works with 8 bit data (according to name al), and there is a possibility that this var_22C variable is assigned as a part of bigger entity, ...
w s's user avatar
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Obtaining memory locations of local variables

Let's start first with finding local variables. Binary files contain multiple sections used for a plethora of purposes. The section of interest in your case is the .bss. In this sections, you're ...
yaspr's user avatar
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