I'm using IDA PRO to disassemble a function, which produces a control flow that looks like this:
start_IE proc near
Buffer= dword ptr -230h
var_22C= byte ptr -22Ch
hFile= dword ptr -30h
hInternet= dword ptr -2Ch
szAgent= byte ptr -28h
dwNumberOfBytesRead= dword ptr -8
var_4= dword ptr -4
arg_0= dword ptr 8
;Do stuff that has nothing to do with ebp+var22C
mov al, [ebp+var_22C]
jmp short return
mov esp, ebp
pop ebp
start_IE endp
I've cut out a lot of irrelevant code, but the only 2 times that var_22C appears in this procedure has been shown above.
I'm having a difficult time finding out what value the data pointed to by var_22C will be since it's given no obvious assignment here.
Code before/after the function call in the caller:
mov ecx, [ebp+var_C]
push ecx ; command char
call start_IE
add esp, 4
mov [ebp+var_8], al
movsx edx, [ebp+var_8]
test edx, edx
jnz short success
It only has 1 argument passed to it, which should be arg_0
... We see that the return value from Var_22C is placed into [ebp+var_8]
back in the caller afterwards.