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Questions tagged [radio-interception]

6 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Recovering data from mystery signal

I was scanning the airwaves using my RTL-SDR and found a signal being broadcast locally that I was able to receive. When I configure the SDR Console V3 software to NFM, I get the following audio. (Wav ...
Macca's user avatar
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Radio Signal 433.92MHz ASK OOK modulation, encoding?

Considering a key fob for RKE (remote keyless entry, automotive) its signal has been captured: It sends at 433,92MHz simple on/off. Following I regard the deltas (time differences between on-off or ...
pas-calc's user avatar
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There is an implant in me, is there a way to identify the frequency it is receiving signals on?

There is an implant in me, is there a way to identify the frequency it is receiving signals on? I don't want to share the evidence and my reasoning for believing there is an implant in me, you can ...
Signal Blocking's user avatar
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How to replay a signal on a different frequency with Gnu Radio Companion and Hack RF

I captured the traffic of a remote control for a LED light. I have multiple of those LED Lights. The payload seems to be the same for each device but the frequency(channel) differs. For one LED light ...
KoKlA's user avatar
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Need help with a PiWM encoding question

I am working on reverse engineering a signal that I am fairly certain is a PiWM encoding. I think I have figured it out, but the data seems to be gibberish so I am looking for some help to confirm ...
Adam Callis's user avatar
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Decipher hexadecimal GPS coordinates from UDP message

I'm trying to get the GPS lat/long data from a UDP message. It's captured on a radio dispatch console on a P25 radio system, if that helps. I captured this UDP message when I sent a simulated ...
Frank's user avatar
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