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IDA memory mirroring

I am trying to reverse engineer an embedded firmware in IDA. It mirrors memory address 0x80000000-0x81FFFFF to 0xA0000000-0xA1FFFFFF. How do I setup IDA to recognise memory mirroring.
dajolelor's user avatar
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Telling IDA that all references to an address range belong to the same segment

For context: I'm using IDA to reverse engineer Gameboy code. I'm using this Gameboy loader to load files. The Gameboy has a 16 bit address space, where addresses $0-$3FFF always point to a fixed ...
nitro2k01's user avatar
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loading memory dump into ida pro?

I'm looking for a good method to load custom memory dumps (of usermode processes under Windows) into IDA Pro. These memory dumps may be partial or complete - in terms of other DLLs, such as kernel32, ...
Jurriaan Bremer's user avatar
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calculate memory address from IDA to use with Frida

I saw an interesting value in IDA at address 0xf8766; I want to view the value at that address. I debug an Android application with Frida, how can I put this address in Frida to watch this value? I ...
frida's user avatar
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Unknown string encoding

I'm new to reverse, my question may be stupid. I am trying to reverse a function in the application that reads a string at the address and concatenate it to another char[250] v30; char[20] v31; ... ...
SHVED's user avatar
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IDA shows MEMORY or unknown references on C std library calls (memset, memcpy, etc.)

I'm currently reversing a Linux 32-bit executable (with a statically linked library included in it) but I'm having a little problem I can't find a solution for. Basically whenever I stumble across a ...
Davide Maggioni's user avatar
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IDA map one memory address to another

I am trying to reverse engineer firmware for an embedded device. The memory region 0xA0000000-0xA1FFFFFF is mapped to 0x80000000-0x81FFFFF. How do I setup ida to recognise this?
bojitazaxu's user avatar
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How to create ram and rom section IDA?

I have a binary linker descriptor for preloader.bin ENTRY(_start) romBase = 0x00201000; bss1Base = 0x00102000; bss2Base = 0x00267000; stackBase = 0x00200000; /* log_sram_buf + bss1 should be less ...
Bret Joseph's user avatar
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Getting "Access violation executing location" error

I am trying to execute this assembly function. But after calling Test_init function, I am getting "Access violation executing location" error at line "add esp,4". sub_402110 proc near ; ...
B.S Mondal's user avatar