Part of Practical malware analysis Lab5, is to run a python script in IDA Pro

I have tried by going to Files-->Script command then I have pasted my python code:

sea = ScreenEA()

for i in range(0x00,0x50):
        b = Byte(sea+i)
        decoded_byte = b ^ 0x55

when I click Run it shows me this error:

NameError: name 'ScreenEA' is not defined


PS: when I tried to upload the script file it also shows the same error

I have tried idc.ScreenEA just to see what will happen but no luck.

2 Answers 2


This is a legacy API, deprecated in IDA 7.0 and removed in IDA 7.4. The new equivalent is idc.get_screen_ea() (or you can use idc.here() which still works).


You can use this script

import idautils 
import idaapi

sea = idc.here()

for i in range(0x00,0x50):
    b = ord(idaapi.get_bytes(sea+i, 1))
    decoded_byte = b ^ 0x55

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