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Questions tagged [multi-process]

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2 votes
1 answer

In Pintool, How to find the name of an routine's caller?

I want to trace the mutex variables in my rust program(e.g. which mutex called lock() and unlock() methods). And I think there're static methods.
roo jack's user avatar
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PinTools Multi-threaded example (inscount_Tls.cpp): only one thread outputs

I am studying PinTools multithread example inscount_tls.cpp. When I change the number of thread to 3, only 1 thread outputs the result. Is anyone familiar with Intel Pintools instruments that can give ...
Tony Nguyen's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Why disassemble multi-thread binary is hard?

Why disassemble multi-thread binary is hard? I also know that some obfuscation techniques are to create unnecessary threads. But why reverse engineering multi-thread program is hard.
user5984274's user avatar
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How can one debug a program that can only be started by other processes?

I am now trying to figure out the innards of a custom made program that I've found difficult to debug using a debugger. The program starts by using a bash script wrapper to process input parameters, ...
Disenchanted Toad's user avatar
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Run multiple instances of same application - Adobe Reader

I have been fuzzing Adobe Reader for a while now. One of the issue that I face is running multiple instances of same application. If I'm able to run multiple instances of same application, I will be ...
john4tech's user avatar
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How to get the PID of the a thread's creator (not owner, not host)

The THREADENTRY32 structure contains a member called th32OwnerProcessID, which is described as: The identifier of the process that created the thread. I'm not sure if I understand how the ...
Benny's user avatar
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What is the difficulty/advantage to obfuscate a multi-thread program?

According to my knowledge, several obfuscation strategies are widely used(or at least described in academic) like: complicating control flow inserting bogus control-flow control-flow flattening jump ...
lllllllllllll's user avatar
10 votes
2 answers

Attaching GDB to a specific fork

I am trying to reverse engineer a Linux binary that makes several fork() calls. I am using GDB 7.5 on Ubuntu. What I am trying to do with GDB is attach to a certain fork() (say the second call). Is ...
Compster's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

gdb on FreeBSD and follow-fork-mode child

Long time ago I noticed that using set follow-fork-mode child in GDB on FreeBSD doesn't really work. This problem occurs very often with some challenges on various Capture The Flag contests. For ...
0xea's user avatar
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