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In IDA freeware, how to create a new database in IDC and load a file into it?

I have IDA freeware version 5 and version 8, v5 is running on wine, v8 is directly on kali OS, and I am trying to create an IDC script to generate asm+lst files for all files in a certain folder. What ...
IDAIDCMalAnalysis's user avatar
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Access a XREFs with frida

I have a string which has a XREF to a func. This func changes of address at every updates of the app I am working on. So this string is the only "stable" point I can rely on to access to ...
hmngwn's user avatar
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The method of searching for similar code in a binary file of a new release

Got into the hands of such a task. There are two dlls. As the second file was explained to me (new.dll) this is a new release of the first file (old.dll). Both files are compiled for x64. I need to ...
mlr's user avatar
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Two copies to store values

I have this a piece of code, disassembled DX: .text:004386D3 push ecx .text:004386D4 fld1 .text:004386D6 fstp [esp+26Ch+var_26C] ;load 1.0 value ...
black4joss's user avatar
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How can I make IDA disassemble in NASM-like syntax instead of MASM-like syntax?

I'm new to reverse engineering, assembly and IDA and I'm learning NASM. Whenever I load an executable (a PE file or an ELF) IDA disassembles it using a MASM-like syntax (it looks to me that it does) ...
LyZeN77's user avatar
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Function Arguments/Name on Radare and IDA

I am starting with reverse engineering and Radare and I'm facing the following problem, on IDA Free I see the following code: mov ecx, 11h lea edi, [esp+1208h+StartupInfo] rep stosd lea ...
secjav's user avatar
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Unrecognized function

There is function: push 65h push edi call sub_5D8750 In this case, function takes 65 bytes to be filled with zeros, and edi is memory address starting from which to fill these 65 bytes with ...
black4joss's user avatar
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Lexer and parser for .asm file produced by objdump

Is there any existing project that parses the x86 disassembly file or .asm produced by the objdump or IDA pro using the lexer and parser library in python or any other programming language?
soaj33's user avatar
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