I want to see if anyone more experienced in reverse engineering and disassembly can take a look at this binary update file I have and maby ether help or just say if it is even possible to reverse it. In the long run I want to add a missing functionality to it to allow for an AV input
The system in question is a bmw head unit (MMI) that has a main processor: renesas SH3 SH7709A . A secondary 16 bit processor ST10F269-T3. A xilinx FPGA. A most bus controller and dual 32mb flash memory for storage S29JL032H.
The binary in question is a update file that has been converted from intelHEX to binary and then unpacked and can be found at this link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1J6eLOfW17Sit-7-OnEUH_emWjf-3MIC7/view?usp=drivesdk It does contain many debugging strings and so on at least. I have attempted some disassembly in IDA pro but would appreciate if someone else could take a look and maby see something obvious we have missed.
More documents, pictures, datacheets, dumps from a system with the same hardware that already has the functionality I want to add and so on can be found here: https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=1ue6Z0G95_-nF3svesaC4yThRse6rIdwk