i=8; this is local to your function main
this i is referenced in the disassembled instruction a
a) mov DWORD PTR [ebp-0x4], 0x8 <-- i local variable
instruction b references my_global_var
b) mov eax, DWORD PTR [ebp+0x8]
inside a normal function scope all address below ebp (ebp-4,ebp-8,ebp-100) etc are local variable access
all address above ebp (ebp+8 , ebp+1c , ebp + 256) etc access either the arguments that were passed to the function or other global variables that are visible outside the function
ecx as posted is undefined and you probably didnt paste a push instruction
also _htons() takes a u_short not an int
u_short WSAAPI htons(
_In_ u_short hostshort
you should post a proper query with code or disassembly that is reproducible trivially by anyone for getting a proper answer
the code that would compile and produce a result would look like this
#include <stdio.h>
#include <windows.h>
#pragma comment(lib,"ws2_32.lib")
int my_global_var ;
int main()
u_short i = 8;
my_global_var = htons(i);
printf("%d\n" , my_global_var);
you should always compile with maximum warnings possible and possibly let the compiler do code analysis if possible to reduce defects
if you are using visual studio you should replicate this command line or
use the appropriate settings that reflects these switches in your project
cl /Zi /Od /W4 /analyze:log foo.txt htons.cpp /link /RELEASE
the W4 enables the highest levels of warning
the /analyze:log foo.txt does a code analysis and shows what possible
defects you have in your code
cat foo.txt
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
compiled and executed this should produce 2048 or 0x800 as result
_htons basically does this operation
0:000> ?? 8 << 0x8 | 8 >> 0x8
int 0x800
0:000> .enable_long_status 0
0:000> ?? 8 << 0x8 | 8 >> 0x8
int 0n2048
the relevent disassembly the scope and contents of local / global vars would be as below
current src line
0:000> lsa .
7: int main()
8: {
9: u_short i = 8;
> 10: my_global_var = htons(i);
11: printf("%d\n" , my_global_var);
12: }
disassembly of the function main
0:000> uf .
htons!main [c:\xxx\htons.cpp @ 8]:
8 00861000 55 push ebp
8 00861001 8bec mov ebp,esp
8 00861003 51 push ecx
9 00861004 b808000000 mov eax,8
9 00861009 668945fc mov word ptr [ebp-4],ax
10 0086100d 0fb74dfc movzx ecx,word ptr [ebp-4]
10 00861011 51 push ecx
10 00861012 e8b9000000 call htons!htons (008610d0)
10 00861017 0fb7d0 movzx edx,ax
10 0086101a 891578488a00 mov dword ptr [htons!my_global_var (008a4878)],edx
11 00861020 a178488a00 mov eax,dword ptr [htons!my_global_var (008a4878)]
11 00861025 50 push eax
11 00861026 68b0b18900 push offset htons!__xt_z+0x10 (0089b1b0)
11 0086102b e860000000 call htons!printf (00861090)
11 00861030 83c408 add esp,8
12 00861033 33c0 xor eax,eax
12 00861035 8be5 mov esp,ebp
12 00861037 5d pop ebp
12 00861038 c3 ret
local i
0:000> dv /v /t
0016fc10 unsigned short i = 8
0:000> dt /v /t my_global_var
Got address 008a4878 for symbol