I am trying to disassemble the function ExAcquireFastMutex
using WinDbg but it gives me only 8 rows:
3: kd> u nt!ExAcquireFastMutex
fffff805`456e3820 4053 push rbx
fffff805`456e3822 56 push rsi
fffff805`456e3823 57 push rdi
fffff805`456e3824 4883ec30 sub rsp,30h
fffff805`456e3828 33f6 xor esi,esi
fffff805`456e382a 488bf9 mov rdi,rcx
fffff805`456e382d 89742458 mov dword ptr [rsp+58h],esi
fffff805`456e3831 65488b1c2588010000 mov rbx,qword ptr gs:[188h]
How can I get more rows, until the return instruction ?