This is a follow up question to the question I posted over here. According to the answer, I was able to get all the function prototypes from the binary. However, the problem I am having is most of the function signatures I am getting does not have parameters while the actual decompiled version of the same function (with the use of decompile script which is already provided by Ghidra) have parameters.
For example, I have a function signature as undefined HAL_TIMEx_OnePulseN_Stop_IT(void)
that was given by the above linked answer, while in the decompiled file (taken from running the ghidra provided script) I have it's signature as undefined4 HAL_TIMEx_OnePulseN_Stop_IT(uint **param_1,uint param_2)
which I believe to be more accurate as I cross-checked with the actual source of the binary.
What would be the reason for such an inconsistency? Is there anyway that I could get the function parameters in the form of decompiled version? I was trying to use DecompInterface
but I could not figure out the way to extract the prototypes as if they were in decompiled version. Sorry I am a beginner and just started to work with Ghidra. Thank you for your time.