I'm trying to reverse engineer an ARM Thumb2 firmware binary, and I've come across a few oddities. Parts of the file when treated as RGB binary data form perfect images, which seems unusual for a firmware file, and when visualised by turning each byte into a greyscale pixel (0x00 as magenta for clarity) around the middle of the file there's a large section of nulls with 64 strips of data that seem to line up perfectly with a width of 404px: These strips are exactly 8x76 and appear to form pairs. Attempting to extract them and decode as raw image data resulted in garbage, and I'm at a bit of a loss as to what they are and what they're doing in a firmware binary.
The target processor for this binary is a Xilinx 7000, and the start of the binary does appear to contain FPGA data for this. The binary is at https://drive.google.com/open?id=1rmCRP_mdGLx4QQ4HurL7a3TEiXe_kHn3 and if anyone has any idea as to what those strips (or other parts of the file too, to be honest) might be, that would be amazing.