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8 votes

Why is it "safe" to write to ModuleBase.exe+0x100, and possibly other header offsets after PE is mapped to memory?

In PE files, sections are generally mapped at addresses that are multiples of 4kb (this is the default value, though it can be overridden). That means that even a section that is a single physical ...
peter ferrie's user avatar
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4 votes

getting the static address/offset of a variable

Note: This does not answers the question using x32dbg/ollydbg, but another tool. (I can't seem to be able to post a comment). My apologies if it is off topic. You can try with Cheat engine (CE). If ...
Riptide's user avatar
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4 votes

IDA - How to transform VA to FO?

To find it using IDAPython: ida_loader.get_fileregion_offset(ea) where "ea" is your virtual offset like 0x400000.
Cih2001's user avatar
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3 votes

How to locate dynamic instructions?

Being an avid Cheat Engine user and game-hacker, I can walk you through a specific example that should give you solid clarity. First, we'll use this arbitrary bit of code to work with: 7A1A7A162 - ...
dsasmblr's user avatar
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2 votes

Which ARM command is influencing the SP position?

There is no specific stack pointer register in ARM. By convention R13 is used as the stack pointer. There is no specific push and pop style stack pointer operands either. Pushing and popping from ...
Cyberspice's user avatar
2 votes

IDA Pro: how to pass a function a pointer to a structure field

In order to get Hexrays to detect that your subtype passed as an argument is actually a member of a bigger parent type, you have to declare the parent type as a structure, and declare the ...
user2823000's user avatar
2 votes

How to run part of exe file that is being reversed

You can use Ida's Appcall functionality: Appcall is a mechanism to call functions inside the debugged program from the debugger or your script as if it were a built-in function. Such a ...
Remko's user avatar
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Do all class instances have a relative address/offset and can i make a copy of any class pointer?

I'll start with a few minor corrections and clarifications, just to make sure we're using the right terms and exact definitions. I used Cheat engine to find the address of the variable i in A::...
NirIzr's user avatar
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2 votes

Why is it "safe" to write to ModuleBase.exe+0x100, and possibly other header offsets after PE is mapped to memory?

Short answer: Because your average program will never access those values. Long answer: Peter ferrie's answer states there's usually nothing present at that offset. That is not true. The shortest ...
user2347953's user avatar
2 votes

Calculating offset from push instruction in exe to string in data section

push 402010 is broken down like 402010 - base_address - virtual_address_of_section + file_ptr_to_rawdata your data has some inconsistencies it must be a counted string or pascal string etc there is ...
blabb's user avatar
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1 vote

How to reference an address set by 2 instructions in Ghidra

The default hotkey for this is 'R', which is mapped to "Add/Edit References". You can also reach this menu by right-clicking in the Listing view on one of these instructions and selecting ...
goatshriek's user avatar
1 vote

How does Cheat Engine offset calculation work?

As I Commented if you are adding 0x5c to 0x0F58F478 and getting 0xf58f4d4 it is not what the memory sharp or cheat engine does 0x0xf58f4d4 is a pointer an address in the memory space they dereference ...
blabb's user avatar
  • 16.7k
1 vote

How to find offset to a function address from the base address in decompiled image (IDA or Ghidra)

Found of how it works. The offset is indeed just the difference of the addresses, which can be taken from the static analysis, i.e. from IDA or Ghidra regardless in which address space it loads by ...
Irbis77's user avatar
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IDA Pro Reverse offset in struct

Shifted pointer should work, I think.
Igor Skochinsky's user avatar
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IDA Pro Reverse offset in struct

Since there seems to be no other way I ended up converting the Self variable into a pointer to the struct and IDA generated the following code: Self[-1].vmtClassName At least it is readable now.
Ricardo's user avatar
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1 vote

Set lldb breakpoint relative to ASLR slide

This is possible with a command like: breakpoint set -a 0x100168ff4 -s testapp as from lldb's help breakpoint add, when you specify a module with -s then the address or expression passed with -a: ...
Jon's user avatar
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1 vote

troublesome stack frame setup

After reading up on "shadow stack space" as suggested by @blabb it looks like this is an unoptimized build, so the 2 parameters RDX and RCX are being saved in the caller's scratch space, ...
Chris H's user avatar
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1 vote

Radare2 - "/c pointer; offset" command not giving expected response to search instances of the same pair of similar instructions

The gist contains some old (create 3 yrs ago) r2 instructions and according to, also outdated, r2 book, it looks like /c command was responsible for "search for asm code matching the given string&...
Paweł Łukasik's user avatar
1 vote

Displaying Operands as Position Independent in IDA

Options-General-Analysis-Processor specific options, [x] Explicit RIP-addressing.
Igor Skochinsky's user avatar
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How is padding size calculated for members of structure types?

The offsets you are quoting are not the offsets of the structure members, but they are offsets of the debug information statements inside the dwarf section. The members itself are all 8 bytes in size. ...
Michael Karcher's user avatar
1 vote

How to find out address in binary file (like IDA) with python code only?

you mean you want to search for a hex pattern in an arbitrary file using your own code either in python or c ? have you considered using regex or grep to satisfy your needs ? there are certain ...
blabb's user avatar
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1 vote

How to refer to the same call on separate IDAs

Actually, you said what is the solution: use offsets. You can get the offset for that function, global or whatever using the following IDA Python: Python> hex(here() - idaapi.get_imagebase()) ...
joxeankoret's user avatar
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How to refer to the same call on separate IDAs

One (or both) of you can just rebase the program and that should display all the addresses as being the same. If you want him to rebase his program to be the same as yours, figure out your base ...
theTheodidact's user avatar

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