I would like to control a lens with an Arduino board, but of course, I first have to find out how the protocol works. Using an oscilloscope I was able to find out that the protocol uses High and Low states (about 20ms long) to transfer information, but without even knowing where the ground is, that information is rather unreliable. So what I know so far is this:
There are 10 pins, two of which would have to be power and ground for the motors in the lens. The communication is digital, but not necessarily serial (e.g. Camera sends High on Pin X and the shutter in the lens opens and on the next High the shutter closes) My guess is that the protocol is in fact serial as there seems to be a control mechanism in the lens checking the accuracy of the shutter speeds (for which it would need to know them; the shutter speed dial is on the camera)
How would I find out the pinout of this connector?
The lens is from the Rollei 6000 Series with the PQ shutter. By googling I could only find information about the communication with the filmback.
Thank you for you answers.