I am trying to analyze an old malware sample in OllyDbg. It has instruction of the format CALL <JMP.&KERNEL32.SetUnhandledExceptionFilter>

I am not an expert in Assembly. I know that CALL is used to call a sub-routine and JMP is used to jump to a particular address in the memory but what is the result of using CALL with JMP? Could anyone clarify on it? Even pointers to where I could find answers would be very helpful. Thanks.

3 Answers 3


Seeing a call in the form CALL <JMP.&KERNEL32.SetUnhandledExceptionFilter> suggests that the binary was compiled with Visual C++'s /INCREMENTAL option, hence the table of jump thunks.

... an incrementally linked executable (.exe) file or dynamic-link library (DLL):


  • May contain jump thunks to handle relocation of functions to new addresses.



you're right, it could be called directly instead of being jumped after a call.

However, it makes it easier if the address of the API is referenced only once, and this single reference should be a JMP (otherwise, it would alter the stack).

So, there is only one memory reference to the API, via a single JMP. Each time the API is used, this JMP is CALL-ed, so execution is transferred transparently, and at the end of the API, the original address of the caller being still on the stack, the caller will be transparently returned to.

  • Is this what constitues the Jump table? Commented Sep 29, 2013 at 16:45

The reason is for loading performance - the jumps are gathered into a single region that is made temporarily writable for the purpose of placing the API addresses, and is usually only a single page in size. This avoids multiple calls to VirtualProtect() by the loader, in order to write all over the code space to every reference to any given API.

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