I am using retdec to decompile a piece of software. It has a "kill switch" to detect if it's being run in an untrusted environment, in the decompiled code it just a simple
if (env_untrusted() == 1)
so i'd like to remove that statement, thing is, the decompiled C code has many compilation errors. Is it possible to see what assembly corresponds to that function, and then change that assemlby to "return 0"?
also, using objdump i can generate assembly, but not in a usable format, is there a way how i can make it print in a usable format so that i can compile that assembly?
so in summary: i have decompiled an executable file using retdec into a C file. in that C file i found a function that i'd like to edit, but i cant compile the C file, so i need to find that function in the assembly, how can i do that?
and as a by producct: how can i make objdump only print out assembly