IDA v7 shows decompilation failure in 64bit ntoskrnl.exe
file of Windows 10 build 18262. Here is an example of that:
I've loaded all the needed type libraries, PDB file, kernel mode header files (wdm.h, ntddk.h, ntdef.h etc.). But it doesn't change anything with that errors. The assembly is simple to translate. I found the error may be related to END OF FUNCTION CHUNK FOR NtQueryInformationProcess
comment. Here is the example assembly in ntoskrnl.exe
PAGE segment where IDA shows that warning:
lea rdx, cs:140000000h
mov eax, ds:(off_1405DF7E4 - 140000000h)[rdx+rbx*4]
add rax, rdx
jmp rax ; failed here
What can I do to remove this error? If you need any further information I can add that in this question.