I want to reverse engineer titltext.cel .CEL image format and render this in SDL2. I happen to know a little bit about the CEL file that I am working with. I know it is supposed to be a sprite-sheet of the alphabet and some symbols.
The .CEL image format is a format that is very stripped with very little header information.
Googleing leads me to a few .CEL Specifications .CEL Specifications 2 documents which seem to have the idea , but I think is lacking for loading more than a few frames. From the documentation I can kind of tell how many frames are in a CEL image and where the first frame starts.
Knowing where the first frame starts I thought I could bypass the stripped image header
37 00 00 00 E4 00 00 00 78 03 00 00 D6 05 00 00
18 08 00 00 B2 0A 00 00 02 0D 00 00 F8 0E 00 00
9D 11 00 00 07 14 00 00 4D 15 00 00 CB 16 00 00
04 19 00 00 9E 1A 00 00 1E 1E 00 00 ED 20 00 00
59 24 00 00 4C 26 00 00 78 29 00 00 E7 2B 00 00
1C 2E 00 00 18 30 00 00 AF 32 00 00 EC 34 00 00
BF 38 00 00 88 3B 00 00 8F 3D 00 00 EE 3F 00 00
4B 41 00 00 8E 43 00 00 D6 45 00 00 B4 47 00 00
06 4A 00 00 28 4C 00 00 E9 4D 00 00 4C 50 00 00
67 52 00 00 A9 55 00 00 09 57 00 00 D6 58 00 00
37 5C 00 00 19 5F 00 00 56 60 00 00 F4 61 00 00
A1 63 00 00 5D 64 00 00 93 65 00 00 B6 66 00 00
59 67 00 00 6A 68 00 00 7F 69 00 00 86 6A 00 00
70 6B 00 00 13 6C 00 00 A2 6C 00 00 8A 6E 00 00
45 70 00 00
After the Image Header / Start of the first frame.
D2 D2 D2 D2 D2 D2 D2 D2 D2 F9 03 F5 F4 F4 F3 03 F4 F4 F5
EC FD 07 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 ED ......
As per documentation , the first DWORD is the amount of FRAMES in the .CEL . This is 0x37 which is 55 in decimal which seems accurate. From what I understand the rest is just frame locations . Each frame from what I understand is supposed to have a Width of 45 and a Height 46 Pixels. Since the image is 8 bit colour this means it would be 1 byte for each colour.
Also, I have heard that these old image types are called palettes or something to help alter the colour.
#include <SDL2/SDL.h>
#include <SDL2/SDL_image.h>
#include <SDL2/SDL_mixer.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <errno.h>
SDL_Window *window; // SDL MAIN WINDOW
SDL_Renderer *renderer;
SDL_Texture *texture;
int SCREEN_WIDTH = 1920;
int SCREEN_HEIGHT = 1080;
SDL_Event e;
bool quit = false;
/** 32-bit in-memory backbuffer surface */
SDL_Surface *surface;
/** 8-bit surface wrapper around #gpBuffer */
SDL_Surface *pal_surface;
/** Currently active palette */
SDL_Palette *palette;
SDL_Texture* texture;
unsigned char CELBuffer [3000];
// The CEL dementions I am trying to open are
// W 46 Height 45 Width 55 FRAMES
void LoadCEL (char * Path){
CELFILE = fopen(Path, "rb");
int CELFRAMESIZE = 2070;
//The Header Appears to be 228 bytes in size. I want to put a frame into CELBuffer
// I am assuming to get the size of the first framee I need a size of 2017 (45 * 55) ;
unsigned char c;
for (int i = 0; i < (CELFRAMESIZE+CELHEADERSIZE) ; i++){
c = fgetc(CELFILE);
CELBuffer[i] = c;
printf("CELFILE HEADR %02x \n" ,CELBuffer[i] & 0xff);
void * pCELBuffer = CELBuffer;
surface = SDL_CreateRGBSurfaceFrom( pCELBuffer , 45, 55, 8,1 ,0, 0, 0, 0xff);
texture = SDL_CreateTextureFromSurface(renderer, surface);
void Create_SDL_Window()
renderer = SDL_CreateRenderer(window, -1, 0);
printf("Window And Renderer Created!\n");
int main(){
printf("THIS WORKD\n");
while (!quit){
while (SDL_PollEvent(&e)){
//If user closes the window
if (e.type == SDL_QUIT){
quit = true;
//If user presses any key
if (e.type == SDL_KEYDOWN){
// quit = true;
//If user clicks the mouse
/// quit = true;
//renderTexture(image, renderer, x, y);
Any help is much appreciated.