What are these things I marked in red circles on the screenshot?
In this program which i tried to disassemble there are 1427 of them.
Is there any other application to view it in a better way ?
What are these things I marked in red circles on the screenshot?
In this program which i tried to disassemble there are 1427 of them.
Is there any other application to view it in a better way ?
These are functions in the binary that were detected by IDA.
These names are automatically generated by IDA and are not part of the binary's symbol table. The automatically generated names usually have one of the following prefixes followed by their corresponding virtual address: sub_, loc_, byte_, word_, dword_ and unk_.
In your case, sub_* are subroutines, functions.
To quote from the IDA docs:
Dummy names are automatically generated by IDA. They are used to denote subroutines, program locations and data.
Dummy names have various prefixes depending on the item type and value:
sub_ : instruction, subroutine start
locret_ : 'return' instruction
loc_ : instruction