@born brings up some great points, but I do think it's definitely worth saying there's not much inherently impossible about the whole idea. Compiling and grabbing assembly is likely not the best bet, though.
Passing the entire thing off as impossible is just not right. IDA clearly has potential in the area; Select psuedocode and click "Copy to Assembly". It'll generate comments in the assembly that map it to where the psuedocode functions come from.
Here's a comparison of the three different relevant phases of a program; source, psuedocode, and ASM:
Source (clang -w -o test
) :
int main(void)
printf("hello world");
Note the incorrect, but functional, use of printf("string")
instead of printf("%s", "string")
. This is another debate, but it'll screw up decompilation
Decompilation By IDA (psuedocode):
int __cdecl main(int argc, const char **argv, const char **envp)
printf("hello world", argv, envp);
return 0;
This is just wrong. printf won't accept those values, it's expecting 0 extra arguments due to a lack of formatting "%s" strings in "hello world". A simple mistake has screwed up the psuedocode output.
Disassembly by IDA (note some of these instructions might not be right)
push rbp
mov rbp, rsp
sub rsp, 10h
; 2: printf("hello world", argv, envp);
lea rdi, aHelloWorld ; "hello world"
mov al, 0
call _printf
; 3: return 0;
xor ecx, ecx
mov [rbp+var_4], eax
mov eax, ecx
add rsp, 10h
pop rbp
Let's say you wanted to edit the string:
Sure, just edit the place it references. Oh, but you want one longer than 11 characters, so you'll need to find somewhere unused and map the string pointer to that address instead. That's complicated.
The entire executable section of the program is 12 instructions long, too. You have almost no space to change anything, and adding stuff is an entirely different ballgame.
Likely Reasons it hasn't been done
- One huge hangup is how unreliable psuedocode can be at times. Compare Hopper psuedocode to IDA/Ghidra's sometime for a great example. It's an educated guess, not a reliable one. Some don't even create variables, and trying to compile Hopper psuedocode is a waste of time.
- Most people needing to patch a binary want or need to patch the assembly. ASM works differently than C, and when you're patching, you need to be thinking more about how the assembly works than the C code that was used to create it.
- Most of the decompilers I know of are already fairly bad at patching assembly alone. An extremely basic hex editor does a much better job. IDA will give you a headache trying to patch more than 4 bytes
I don't think it's anywhere near impossible though. Not by compiling for sure. But what you could try, is something like these:
Track how the decompiler was able to map <x assembly> to <y psuedocode>, and whenever <y psuedocode> is changed, create binary patches for the <x assembly> that created it.
- This is arguably the "best" way to do it and will take a long time to write.
Replace a function call with a branch to your own code elsewhere (assuming space can be found). "Cheat Engine" (it's been a while since I've used windows, sorry) had something like this if I remember correctly. Maybe use a compiler to generate that function, then.
- This is the lazy way to do it, and might end up taking even more work making decompiler output compilable. Only IDA/Ghidra decompilation is close enough to be feasible. I've done this manually before.
Both of these require an understanding of assembly to verify the patches were correct; A wrong one will grind your program to a halt, and no tool doing this will be reliably correct.
#2 still has flaws. I've spent 2+ hours perfecting decompilation/disassembly on a single function; everything in memory properly named, manually defined every struct, etc. Even with perfect decompilation, it still needs work to be compiled.
Maybe you could do that work yourself in some complex script. This is a problem I'd recommend revisiting when you're experienced; it's a really interesting topic, and IDAPython might make it almost feasible.