I'm trying to bypass (crack) a very old software that require license in order to unlock all the features
i was digging in the lines with a little bit of knowledge in assembly and i found the line where it compare the hash of the request code with the hash of the license i entered
this is the line ( not %100 sure )
arrow1 where the random request code generated and the entered license saved to a param (not sure)
arrow2 where the compare happen ( same not sure)
The software compare a hash with the hash of the key code you entered, if it's the same, it will work
a random license request code generated everytime you run the .exe
using GenerateRandomNumber
and hashed by using HkdfHashAlgorithm
my question is
when i change je 0x7C1AEF1F
to jne 0x7C1AEF1F
the software stopped working and when i execute it i got the command prompt for 1second and disappear
so what i need to change in order to compare the hash of the request code with the same hash or to say if not equal so activated...
Appreciate any help