I use the following script to set IDA in trace mode and make it stop as soon as EAX register is set to a given value :

#include <idc.idc>

static main()
    auto r_eip, code, eax;

    EnableTracing(TRACE_STEP, 1);

    for ( code = GetDebuggerEvent(WFNE_ANY|WFNE_CONT, -1); // resume
        code > 0;
        code = GetDebuggerEvent(WFNE_ANY, -1) )
        r_eip = GetEventEa();

        eax = GetRegValue("EAX");
        Message("EAX:%08Xh\n", eax);

        if ( eax == 0x00000001 )

    EnableTracing(TRACE_STEP, 0);    

However it does not work : i get the following error message : "Variable 'EAX' is undefined

If i put the line with eax = GetRegValue(...) in comment, in run but then eax is always zero.

The code is adapted from here : https://www.hex-rays.com/products/ida/debugger/scriptable.shtml

  • See here
    – 0xec
    Commented Jan 6, 2016 at 20:11
  • I already saw that page. What is suggested is to use eax variable directly without GetRegValue() call. I tried (and had to add auto eax to avoid error) : eax is always 0. I also tried the script posted at 22:05.45 :same there : eax is zero.
    – tigrou
    Commented Jan 6, 2016 at 20:27

1 Answer 1


You can use the following IDC script for the purpose. It would stop whenever register eax contains 0. The debugger must be running when the script is executed.

#include <idc.idc>

static main()
        if (GetDebuggerEvent(WFNE_SUSP, -1) == STEP)
            if (eax == 0) 
  • Thanks it works ! (although it is very slow, but this is to be expected)
    – tigrou
    Commented Jan 6, 2016 at 21:45
  • @tigrou For a faster implementation, you can use DBI frameworks such as Intel Pin and DynamoRIO.
    – 0xec
    Commented Jan 7, 2016 at 9:00
  • Actually it was used to debug DOSBOX, through idados. Unfortunately DOSBOX does not support memory read breakpoints, so the only way was to inspect registers continuously.
    – tigrou
    Commented Jan 8, 2016 at 22:45

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