i'm trying to unpack a clear spot firmware update
this firmware
i used a fwtools to unpack the whole firmware from this page
after that i have " kernel.bin " and " rootfs.bin "
ok i want to add a new certificate to the modem and new Networks and some edits to the control panel " it's Wimax Modem
when i check the rootfs file with this code
file rootfs.bin
i see this
rootfs.bin: Linux Compressed ROM File System data, little endian size 4280320 version #2 sorted_dirs CRC 0xbf224100, edition 16777728, 268441607 blocks, 1325400384 files
and this is the binwalk report
0 0x0 CramFS filesystem, little endian size 4280320 version #2 sorted_dirs CRC 0xbf224100, edition 16777728, 268441607 blocks, 1325400384 files
8 0x8 Squashfs filesystem, big endian, version 2.1, size: 4276396 bytes, 1028 inodes, blocksize: 65536 bytes, created: Fri Jun 22 23:02:36 2012
and this is the binwalk report for the whole .bin firmware update file
root@bt:/pentest/reverse-engineering/binwalk# ./binwalk -m /pentest/reverse-engineering/binwalk/magic.binwalk /root/fwtools_20100826c/bin.linux/imw.bin
855032 0xD0BF8 CramFS filesystem, little endian size 4280320 version #2 sorted_dirs CRC 0xbf224100, edition 16777728, 268441607 blocks, 1325400384 files
855040 0xD0C00 Squashfs filesystem, big endian, version 2.1, size: 4276396 bytes, 1028 inodes, blocksize: 65536 bytes, created: Fri Jun 22 23:02:36 20
i stopped here , i don't know how to unpack it , i just tried everything manually , firmware mod fit , fwtools , everything !
any help ?