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IDA decompiler syntax: for function int __usercall sub_45BD46@ <eax>(char a1@<bl>, int a2@<esi>, int a3)

I have a function with the following header sub_45BD46@eax(char a1@bl, int a2@esi, int a3), my question is: I am right that sub_45BD46@eax means the result value is in eax?
Alexey's user avatar
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IDA Hex-Rays Decompiler Generates ASM Code Issue

For a long time now, I've been struggling with some functions generated with IDA HexRays plugin that seem to be corrupted. Some of the decompiled generated plain C code, show as ASM code :/ i.e: ...
Martin Brooker's user avatar
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IDA 7 handling strings in debugger pseudocode

When running a remote debugger to a linux server, is there a way to get IDA (7.0) to properly handle strings? When I go to the pseudocode view, I get things like this; v7 = sub_804AD60((std::string *)...
XeroxDucati's user avatar
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IDA PRO and Dos Load Exec

I am trying to reverse some DOS game in IDA pro (5.0 demo). I get stuck when it tries to load the overlay file. Is it possible to load the 2nd executable into the original namespace? It has already ...
anthonyn's user avatar
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How to obtain x86-64 pseudocode in IDA Pro?

Does anyone know about obtaining pseudocode for x86-64 in IDA Pro? I already tried the Hex-Rays plugin to obtain pseudocode, but when I try it, the following error pops up: "only 32bit code is ...
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