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5 votes
1 answer

Find the C++ STL functions in a binary

I have a binary file (actually, an operating system for an ARM embedded device which also contains some high-level apps (hard coded in the user interface)). I know some parts of the operating system ...
m4524t's user avatar
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How to reverse command line arguments?

I am working on a console windows executable. So far what I figured out is that the executable checks number of command line arguments. Afterwards, it branches out depending on the number of arguments ...
PSS's user avatar
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2 votes
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How to set the type of a variable or function to an std::string?

I'm using IDA Pro and have identified a function that takes an std::string as an argument. However when I click on the function and "Set Item Type", entering its definition: std::__ndk1::...
Claudiu's user avatar
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Finding the address of a function in an exe that I have the source code of

I've been playing around with some leaked source codes and I find that locating a function in source in the compiled exe is not so straight forward. And i'm thinking what are the ways to get that ...
Yang Jim's user avatar
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When to create a keygen versus when to bypass the security jumps

I am a newbie reverse engineer. I was wondering: assuming I want to crack a program (With the permission of the author of course) and I have detected the Assembly where the program begins to check the ...
Potato's user avatar
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