I see a lot of in and out instruction in IDA. I know what those are supposed to do, but I do not know how to treat them and I'm making no advancements in understanding the code.
Short example: First instructions of my current assignment are:
seg000:00000000 mov edx, 61666A1Fh
seg000:00000005 fincstp
seg000:00000007 fnstenv byte ptr [esp-0Ch]
seg000:0000000B pop esi ; EIP
seg000:0000000C sub ecx, ecx
seg000:0000000E mov cl, 33h ; '3'
seg000:00000010 xor [esi+12h], edx
seg000:00000013 add edx, [esi+12h] ;
seg000:00000016 xor ecx, 0FFFFFF96h
seg000:00000019 test [ecx+esi*8+957C08Fh], dl
seg000:00000020 push eax ; ??????
seg000:00000021 mov bl, 0DEh ; '¦'
seg000:00000023 in al, dx
seg000:00000024 popa
seg000:00000025 loope near ptr 0FFFFFFACh
I'm a bit lost at 05h
as it's the first time I encounter FPU instructions, but I think that ESI
should point to the where EIP
is pointing to.
My main question is regarding 23h
in al, dx
Should load a in AL
a byte from port 6A1Fh
? Is this relevant in any way or is code like this supposed to make my work harder or hide something? Maybe it's encrypted and at some point some decrypting algorithm will kick in. Or maybe that shouldn't be viewed as code?
.686p .mmx .model flat seg000 segment byte public 'CODE' use32
was generated by IDA, then it's probable that ida wasn't initialized correctly when you started it - if you give an ARM object file to ida, and tell it it's 32 bit Intel code, it'll happily try to disassemble it as intel code, but generate nothing but garbage. This seems to be what has happened here. Posting the hex code, or the binary if it isn't too large, as others have suggested, might help someone recognize the format and provide further clues.