So to cut straight to the chase - I'm lazy, IDA is mysterious, I need to use IDA arrays in my IDC code for convenience. Because IDC is like C(++) in its syntax I figured I could do:

auto lala[4] = {0,1,2,3};

But that doesn't work. Neither do round or square brackets. Trying to do lala[0] produces this output:

Cannot use [] operator on scalars

What gives?

1 Answer 1


IDC is closer to C than C++ but both limited in some ways and more flexible in others than C. It supports several variable types but arrays is not one of them:

A variable can contain:

  • LONG: a 32-bit signed long integer (64-bit in 64-bit version of IDA)
  • INT64: a 64-bit signed long integer
  • STR: a character string
  • FLOAT: a floating point number (extra precision, up to 25 decimal digits)
  • OBJECT: an object with attributes and methods (a concept very close to C++ class) more
  • REF: a reference to another variable
  • FUNC: a function reference

However, you can use slice syntax with objects to simulate arrays:

auto x = object();
x[0] = value1;
x[1] = "value2";
  • Thanks! I actually needed an easy way to initialise these arrays. Given a list of bytes, I wanted to be able to just put them inside braces et voila but I guess that isn't possible. I ended up using regex instead.
    – swaggg
    Commented Mar 26, 2022 at 16:01
  • I looked up your profile. It's really cool you work for Hex Rays. Maybe you guys could implement arrays at some point too ;).
    – swaggg
    Commented Mar 26, 2022 at 16:13

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