I am trying to detour a function using DetourAttach() in the following fashion:

hooks::logDebug("swresample-3Proxy.log", fmt::format("Try to attach hook. Function {:p}, hook {:p}.",
    *hook.first, hook.second));
writeProtectedMemory(hook.first, hook.second);
auto result = DetourAttach(hook.first, hook.second);

Where hook.first = 0x00007ff69f119ea0 {Gladius.exe!gladius::Game::main(int,char * *,char * *)} {0x8b4820ec83485340} void * *

hook.second = 0x00007ff818f51ef5 {swresample-3.dll!hooks::gamemainHooked(struct gladius::Game *,int,char * *,char * *)} void *

But the result comes with the following error:

Exception thrown at 0x00007FF69F119EA1 in Gladius.exe: 0xC000001D: Illegal Instruction.

And the question marks (see the screenshot) where the jump instruction supposed to be.

Memory around detoured function

Would appreciate some help in resolving this...

1 Answer 1


Fixed with using EasyHook instead of Detours. I.e. replaced this piece of code:

writeProtectedMemory(hook.first, hook.second);
auto result = DetourAttach(hook.first, hook.second);

with this:

HOOK_TRACE_INFO hHook = { NULL }; // keep track of our hook
NTSTATUS result = LhInstallHook(

ULONG ACLEntries[1] = { 0 };
LhSetInclusiveACL(ACLEntries, 1, &hHook);

Where hook.first = 0x00007ff69f119ea0 {Gladius.exe!gladius::Game::main(int,char * *,char * *)} {0x8b4820ec83485340} void * *

And hook.second = 0x00007ff818f51ef5 {swresample-3.dll!hooks::gamemainHooked(struct gladius::Game *,int,char * *,char * *)} void *

Now the app correctly jumps to the Hooked function.

P.S. Don't know what is the deal with DetoursAttach() for x64. I have compiled it specifically for that environment.

May be it doesn't know of how to pass the hook between the threads... Will check that option later.

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