Installed an application from google playstore and then transferred to it my computer to apparently edit it and without any changes I made to it then I tried to install it through ADB, well the installation was fine but When I tried to start the application it just crashes. also tried to clear app data to see any solution but it didn't work! and when I look into the logcat I find the following which is almost informative except this vague error
04-02 17:15:29.095 3053 3071 E AndroidRuntime: Process: com.ibsbankmobile, PID: 3053
all other logcat is below:
04-02 17:15:12.237 2526 2609 I PackageManager: init_copy idx=0: MeasureParams{56c9329 com.ibsbankmobile}
04-02 17:15:12.237 2526 2609 I PackageManager: startCopy UserHandle{0}: MeasureParams{56c9329 com.ibsbankmobile}
04-02 17:15:16.415 2526 2609 I PackageManager: init_copy idx=0: MeasureParams{5d8cfbb com.ibsbankmobile}
04-02 17:15:16.415 2526 2609 I PackageManager: startCopy UserHandle{0}: MeasureParams{5d8cfbb com.ibsbankmobile}
04-02 17:15:18.871 2526 2609 I PackageManager: init_copy idx=0: MeasureParams{95d4782 com.ibsbankmobile}
04-02 17:15:18.874 2526 2609 I PackageManager: startCopy UserHandle{0}: MeasureParams{95d4782 com.ibsbankmobile}
04-02 17:15:21.988 1865 1865 I AppStorageSettings: Clearing user data for package : com.ibsbankmobile
04-02 17:15:21.996 2526 27990 I ActivityManager: Force stopping com.ibsbankmobile appid=10298 user=0: clear data
04-02 17:15:22.049 2526 2558 I ActivityManager: Force stopping com.ibsbankmobile appid=10298 user=-1: clearApplicationUserData
04-02 17:15:22.096 2526 2609 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_RESTARTED dat=package:com.ibsbankmobile flg=0x10 (has extras) } ordered=false userid=0 callerApp=null
04-02 17:15:22.097 2526 2609 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_DATA_CLEARED dat=package:com.ibsbankmobile flg=0x10 (has extras) } ordered=false userid=0 callerApp=null
04-02 17:15:22.102 1865 1865 I AppStorageSettings: Cleared user data for package : com.ibsbankmobile
04-02 17:15:22.124 3032 3032 I GeofencerStateMachine: removeGeofences: removeRequest=RemoveGeofencingRequest[REMOVE_ALL packageName=com.ibsbankmobile]
04-02 17:15:22.142 2526 2609 I PackageManager: init_copy idx=0: MeasureParams{901be7d com.ibsbankmobile}
04-02 17:15:22.143 2526 2609 I PackageManager: startCopy UserHandle{0}: MeasureParams{901be7d com.ibsbankmobile}
04-02 17:15:22.179 2526 2558 D ProcessManager.AS: *** Launch app for broadcast Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_DATA_CLEARED dat=package:com.ibsbankmobile flg=0x10 (has extras) } from android/1000
04-02 17:15:22.928 2863 2863 D ActivityThread: BDC-Calling onReceive: intent=Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_DATA_CLEARED dat=package:com.ibsbankmobile flg=0x10 (has extras) },
04-02 17:15:22.944 2526 2853 D ProcessManager.AS: *** Launch app for broadcast Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_DATA_CLEARED dat=package:com.ibsbankmobile flg=0x10 (has extras) } from android/1000
04-02 17:15:23.084 2885 2885 D ActivityThread: BDC-Calling onReceive: intent=Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_DATA_CLEARED dat=package:com.ibsbankmobile flg=0x10 (has extras) },
04-02 17:15:23.101 2526 3601 D ProcessManager.AS: *** Launch app for broadcast Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_DATA_CLEARED dat=package:com.ibsbankmobile flg=0x10 (has extras) } from android/1000
04-02 17:15:23.832 2902 2902 D ActivityThread: BDC-Calling onReceive: intent=Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_DATA_CLEARED dat=package:com.ibsbankmobile flg=0x10 (has extras) },
04-02 17:15:23.858 3032 3032 D ActivityThread: BDC-Calling onReceive: intent=Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_DATA_CLEARED dat=package:com.ibsbankmobile flg=0x10$PersistentTrustedReceiver (has extras) },$PersistentTrustedReceiver@b04b693
04-02 17:15:23.955 3739 3739 D ActivityThread: BDC-Calling onReceive: intent=Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_DATA_CLEARED dat=package:com.ibsbankmobile flg=0x10 cmp=com.transsion.phonemanager/com.cyin.himgr.applicationmanager.receiver.AppReceiver (has extras) }, receiver=com.cyin.himgr.applicationmanager.receiver.AppReceiver@1aa53d7
04-02 17:15:23.968 3739 3739 D HiManager_log: HiManager_HiManager_ServerAppReceiver: setting clean data pkg: com.ibsbankmobile
04-02 17:15:23.982 2526 27996 D PowerManagerNotifier: onWakeLockChanging: flags=1, tag="Icing",, ownerUid=10015, ownerPid=3381, workSource=WorkSource{10015, 10284 com.ibsbankmobile}
04-02 17:15:23.987 2526 2548 D PowerManagerNotifier: onWakeLockChanging: flags=1, tag="Icing",, ownerUid=10015, ownerPid=3381, workSource=WorkSource{10284 com.ibsbankmobile}
04-02 17:15:23.999 3381 2013 I Icing : doRemovePackageData com.ibsbankmobile
04-02 17:15:24.037 2418 2418 V AlarmClock: AlarmBroadcastReceiver recevied pkgName = com.ibsbankmobile
04-02 17:15:24.126 2526 3599 D PowerManagerNotifier: onWakeLockChanging: flags=1, tag="Icing",, ownerUid=10015, ownerPid=3381, workSource=WorkSource{10015, 10284 com.ibsbankmobile}
04-02 17:15:28.690 2526 3599 I ActivityManager: START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.ibsbankmobile/.MainActivity bnds=[12,234][276,492] (has extras)} from uid 10022 on display 0
04-02 17:15:28.700 2526 3599 V WindowManager: Set focused app to: AppWindowToken{9b32dfb token=Token{8baa9f5 ActivityRecord{2d9b2c u0 com.ibsbankmobile/.MainActivity t28124}}} old focus=AppWindowToken{fb2d555 token=Token{ccee73f ActivityRecord{6e6b75e u0 com.transsion.hilauncher/ t27849}}} moveFocusNow=true
04-02 17:15:28.700 2526 3599 V WindowManager: findFocusedWindow: Reached focused app=AppWindowToken{9b32dfb token=Token{8baa9f5 ActivityRecord{2d9b2c u0 com.ibsbankmobile/.MainActivity t28124}}}
04-02 17:15:28.719 2526 2587 D ViewRootImpl[ibsbankmobile]: hardware acceleration is disabled, fakeHwAccelerated = true, HardwareRenderer.sRendererDisabled = false, forceHwAccelerated = false, HardwareRenderer.sSystemRendererDisabled = false, this = ViewRoot{9143ca9 Starting com.ibsbankmobile,ident = 415}
04-02 17:15:28.731 303 303 I BufferQueueConsumer: [Starting com.ibsbankmobile](this:0x75f1bf5000,id:6203,api:0,p:-1,c:303) setConsumerName: Starting com.ibsbankmobile
04-02 17:15:28.731 303 303 I BufferQueueConsumer: [Starting com.ibsbankmobile](this:0x75f1bf5000,id:6203,api:0,p:-1,c:303) setDefaultBufferSize: width=1 height=1
04-02 17:15:28.732 2526 2587 V WindowManager: findFocusedWindow: Reached focused app=AppWindowToken{9b32dfb token=Token{8baa9f5 ActivityRecord{2d9b2c u0 com.ibsbankmobile/.MainActivity t28124}}}
04-02 17:15:28.737 2526 3510 I ActivityManager: Start proc 3053:com.ibsbankmobile/u0a298 for activity com.ibsbankmobile/.MainActivity
04-02 17:15:28.745 303 303 I BufferQueueConsumer: [Starting com.ibsbankmobile](this:0x75f1bf5000,id:6203,api:0,p:-1,c:303) setDefaultBufferSize: width=1080 height=1920
04-02 17:15:28.752 303 436 I BufferQueueProducer: [Starting com.ibsbankmobile](this:0x75f1bf5000,id:6203,api:2,p:2526,c:303) connect(P): api=2 producer=(2526:system_server) producerControlledByApp=false
04-02 17:15:28.753 303 1002 I BufferQueueProducer: [Starting com.ibsbankmobile](this:0x75f1bf5000,id:6203,api:2,p:2526,c:303) new GraphicBuffer needed
04-02 17:15:28.771 2526 2798 I libPerfService: [perfNotifyAppState] foreground:com.ibsbankmobile, pid:3053
04-02 17:15:28.771 2526 1395 I PPS : [PPSNotifyAppState] pack:com.ibsbankmobile, com:com.ibsbankmobile.MainActivity, state:1,ActiveCount = 1
04-02 17:15:28.771 2526 1395 I PPS : [PPSNotifyAppState] nPackNum:102, pack:com.ibsbankmobile, com:com.ibsbankmobile.MainActivity, state:1, pid:3053, last_boost_tid:3053
04-02 17:15:28.771 2526 2798 I libPerfService: perfCheckPackAffinity foreground:com.ibsbankmobile, latest:
04-02 17:15:28.804 2526 2588 D ProcessManager: recentPackage baseActivity : com.ibsbankmobile
04-02 17:15:28.824 3053 3053 W System : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /data/app/com.ibsbankmobile-1/lib/arm64
04-02 17:15:28.856 2899 2899 D SystemServicesProxy: getRecentTasks:TASK = id=28124 stackId=1 user=0 lastActiveTime=1585836928771 componentComponentInfo{com.ibsbankmobile/com.ibsbankmobile.MainActivity}/isExcluded = false/includeFrontMostExcludedTask = false/isFirstValidTask = true/ = 28124
04-02 17:15:29.092 3053 3071 W System : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /data/app/com.ibsbankmobile-1/lib/arm64
04-02 17:15:29.095 3053 3071 E AndroidRuntime: Process: com.ibsbankmobile, PID: 3053
04-02 17:15:29.100 2526 1395 W ActivityManager: Force finishing activity com.ibsbankmobile/.MainActivity
04-02 17:15:29.105 2526 1395 V WindowManager: Set focused app to: AppWindowToken{fb2d555 token=Token{ccee73f ActivityRecord{6e6b75e u0 com.transsion.hilauncher/ t27849}}} old focus=AppWindowToken{9b32dfb token=Token{8baa9f5 ActivityRecord{2d9b2c u0 com.ibsbankmobile/.MainActivity t28124}}} moveFocusNow=true
04-02 17:15:29.112 2526 3072 D AES : onEndOfErrorDumpThread: data_app_crash Process: com.ibsbankmobile
04-02 17:15:29.112 2526 3072 D AES : Package: com.ibsbankmobile v3 (1)
04-02 17:15:29.114 2526 3072 D AES : process : com.ibsbankmobile
04-02 17:15:29.114 2526 3072 D AES : module : com.ibsbankmobile v3 (1)
04-02 17:15:29.116 2526 3072 D AEE_LIBAEE: shell: raise_exp(4, 3053, -1361051648, com.ibsbankmobile, 0x0x7223e196e0, 0x0x0)
04-02 17:15:29.133 3073 3073 I AEE_AED : [preset_info] pid: 3053, tid: -1361051648, name: UNKNOWN >>> com.ibsbankmobile <<<
04-02 17:15:29.133 3073 3073 V AEE_AED : dashboard_record_update() : rec->module = com.ibsbankmobile
04-02 17:15:29.150 3053 3053 D ActivityThread: EYE startEyeVerifyBroadcast packagename=com.ibsbankmobile; ClassName=com.ibsbankmobile.MainActivity
04-02 17:15:29.152 2526 3597 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent { flg=0x10000010 pkg=com.rlk.eyeverify.activity (has extras) } ordered=false userid=0 callerApp=ProcessRecord{9cb3bc0 3053:com.ibsbankmobile/u0a298}
04-02 17:15:29.157 18792 18792 D LOGTAG_AppLockRecieve: start activity PackageName=com.ibsbankmobile ClassName=com.ibsbankmobile.MainActivity
04-02 17:15:29.172 18792 18792 D LOGTAG_VerifyInterceptor: start Eye check activity PackageName=com.ibsbankmobile ; ClassName=com.ibsbankmobile.MainActivity; IsLocked=false
04-02 17:15:29.187 3053 3053 D OpenGLRenderer: <com.ibsbankmobile> is running.
04-02 17:15:29.189 2526 2559 D ViewRootImpl[ibsbankmobile]: hardware acceleration is enabled, this = ViewRoot{65d6111 Application Error: com.ibsbankmobile,ident = 416}
04-02 17:15:29.214 2526 2559 V WindowManager: Changing focus from null to Window{b4f2077 u0 Application Error: com.ibsbankmobile} android.view.ViewRootImpl.setView:753 android.view.WindowManagerGlobal.addView:355
04-02 17:15:29.215 2526 2559 D WindowManager: Input focus has changed to Window{b4f2077 u0 Application Error: com.ibsbankmobile}
04-02 17:15:29.216 2526 2587 I WindowManager: Focus moving from null to Window{b4f2077 u0 Application Error: com.ibsbankmobile}
04-02 17:15:29.216 2526 2587 I WindowManager: Gaining focus: Window{b4f2077 u0 Application Error: com.ibsbankmobile}
04-02 17:15:29.225 303 303 I BufferQueueConsumer: [Application Error: com.ibsbankmobile](this:0x75f5216000,id:6204,api:0,p:-1,c:303) setConsumerName: Application Error: com.ibsbankmobile
04-02 17:15:29.225 303 303 I BufferQueueConsumer: [Application Error: com.ibsbankmobile](this:0x75f5216000,id:6204,api:0,p:-1,c:303) setDefaultBufferSize: width=193 height=193
04-02 17:15:29.237 3053 3053 D ViewRootImpl[MainActivity]: hardware acceleration is enabled, this = ViewRoot{6a638df com.ibsbankmobile/com.ibsbankmobile.MainActivity,ident = 0}
04-02 17:15:29.238 303 303 I BufferQueueConsumer: [Application Error: com.ibsbankmobile](this:0x75f5216000,id:6204,api:0,p:-1,c:303) setDefaultBufferSize: width=1272 height=641
04-02 17:15:29.242 2526 22035 D OpenGLRenderer: CanvasContext() 0x7227d10000 initialize window=0x7235518600, title=Application Error: com.ibsbankmobile
04-02 17:15:29.252 303 436 I BufferQueueProducer: [Application Error: com.ibsbankmobile](this:0x75f5216000,id:6204,api:1,p:2526,c:303) connect(P): api=1 producer=(2526:system_server) producerControlledByApp=false
04-02 17:15:29.254 3053 3053 V PhoneWindow: DecorView setVisiblity: visibility = 0, Parent = ViewRoot{6a638df com.ibsbankmobile/com.ibsbankmobile.MainActivity,ident = 0}, this = DecorView@fe5f5ef[MainActivity],statusBarBackground visible =true,statusColor: 0xff757575->
04-02 17:15:29.266 303 1763 I BufferQueueProducer: [Application Error: com.ibsbankmobile](this:0x75f5216000,id:6204,api:1,p:2526,c:303) new GraphicBuffer needed
04-02 17:15:29.277 2526 3601 I PPS : [PPSNotifyAppState] pack:com.ibsbankmobile, com:com.ibsbankmobile.MainActivity, state:0,ActiveCount = 0
04-02 17:15:29.277 2526 3601 I PPS : [PPSNotifyAppState] nPackNum:102, pack:com.ibsbankmobile, com:com.ibsbankmobile.MainActivity, state:0, pid:3053, last_boost_tid:3053
04-02 17:15:29.278 3073 3073 D AEE_AED : Process:com.ibsbankmobile
04-02 17:15:29.278 3073 3073 I AEE_AED : com.ibsbankmobile
04-02 17:15:29.279 3073 3073 D AEE_AED : Module:com.ibsbankmobile v3 (1)
04-02 17:15:29.279 3073 3073 I AEE_AED : com.ibsbankmobile v3 (1)
04-02 17:15:29.279 3073 3073 D AEE_AED : Backtrace:Process: com.ibsbankmobile
04-02 17:15:29.279 3073 3073 D AEE_AED : Package: com.ibsbankmobile v3 (1)
04-02 17:15:29.282 3073 3073 I AEE_AED : Process: com.ibsbankmobile
04-02 17:15:29.282 3073 3073 I AEE_AED : Package: com.ibsbankmobile v3 (1)
04-02 17:15:29.287 303 432 I BufferQueueProducer: [Application Error: com.ibsbankmobile](this:0x75f5216000,id:6204,api:1,p:2526,c:303) new GraphicBuffer needed
04-02 17:15:29.288 2526 3601 I WindowManager: Failed to capture screenshot of Token{8baa9f5 ActivityRecord{2d9b2c u0 com.ibsbankmobile/.MainActivity t28124 f}} appWin=Window{e98a1cf u0 Starting com.ibsbankmobile} drawState=4
04-02 17:15:29.311 303 1763 I BufferQueueProducer: [Application Error: com.ibsbankmobile](this:0x75f5216000,id:6204,api:1,p:2526,c:303) new GraphicBuffer needed
04-02 17:15:29.433 2899 2899 D SystemServicesProxy: getRecentTasks:TASK = id=28124 stackId=1 user=0 lastActiveTime=1585836929105 componentComponentInfo{com.ibsbankmobile/com.ibsbankmobile.MainActivity}/isExcluded = false/includeFrontMostExcludedTask = false/isFirstValidTask = true/ = -1
04-02 17:15:29.609 303 1763 I BufferQueueProducer: [Starting com.ibsbankmobile](this:0x75f1bf5000,id:6203,api:2,p:-1,c:303) disconnect(P): api -1
04-02 17:15:29.612 303 1763 I BufferQueueConsumer: [Starting com.ibsbankmobile](this:0x75f1bf5000,id:6203,api:2,p:-1,c:303) getReleasedBuffers: returning mask 0xffffffffffffffff
04-02 17:15:29.613 2526 2587 I WindowManager: Destroying surface Surface(name=Starting com.ibsbankmobile) called by
04-02 17:15:29.626 303 303 I BufferQueueConsumer: [Starting com.ibsbankmobile](this:0x75f1bf5000,id:6203,api:2,p:-1,c:-1) disconnect(C)
04-02 17:15:29.645 303 1002 I BufferQueueProducer: [Starting com.ibsbankmobile](this:0x75f1bf5000,id:6203,api:2,p:-1,c:-1) disconnect(P): api 2
04-02 17:15:29.665 2526 3514 I PPS : [PPSNotifyAppState] pack:com.ibsbankmobile, com:com.ibsbankmobile.MainActivity, state:2,ActiveCount = 1
04-02 17:15:29.665 2526 3514 I PPS : [PPSNotifyAppState] nPackNum:102, pack:com.ibsbankmobile, com:com.ibsbankmobile.MainActivity, state:2, pid:3053, last_boost_tid:16629
04-02 17:15:29.667 303 1763 I BufferQueue: [Starting com.ibsbankmobile](this:0x75f1bf5000,id:6203,api:2,p:-1,c:-1) ~BufferQueueCore
04-02 17:15:34.750 2526 2588 I ActivityManager: Killing 3053:com.ibsbankmobile/u0a298 (adj 900): doclean
04-02 17:15:34.751 2526 2588 D ActivityManager: handleAppDiedLocked: app = ProcessRecord{9cb3bc0 3053:com.ibsbankmobile/u0a298}, = 3053
04-02 17:15:34.758 2526 1395 W ActivityManager: Ignoring remove of inactive process: ProcessRecord{9cb3bc0 0:com.ibsbankmobile/u0a298}
04-02 17:15:34.784 303 436 I BufferQueueProducer: [Application Error: com.ibsbankmobile](this:0x75f5216000,id:6204,api:1,p:-1,c:303) disconnect(P): api 1
04-02 17:15:34.784 303 436 I BufferQueueConsumer: [Application Error: com.ibsbankmobile](this:0x75f5216000,id:6204,api:1,p:-1,c:303) getReleasedBuffers: returning mask 0xffffffffffffffff
04-02 17:15:34.788 303 1763 I BufferQueueProducer: [Application Error: com.ibsbankmobile](this:0x75f5216000,id:6204,api:1,p:-1,c:303) disconnect(P): api 1
04-02 17:15:34.794 2526 2559 V WindowManager: Remove Window{b4f2077 u0 Application Error: com.ibsbankmobile} client=d7bb276, surfaceController=Surface(name=Application Error: com.ibsbankmobile) android.view.ViewRootImpl.dispatchDetachedFromWindow:3700
04-02 17:15:34.796 2526 2559 V WindowManager: Changing focus from Window{b4f2077 u0 Application Error: com.ibsbankmobile EXITING} to Window{78def60 u0 com.transsion.hilauncher/}
04-02 17:15:34.807 2526 2587 I WindowManager: Focus moving from Window{b4f2077 u0 Application Error: com.ibsbankmobile EXITING} to Window{78def60 u0 com.transsion.hilauncher/}
04-02 17:15:34.808 2526 2587 I WindowManager: Losing focus: Window{b4f2077 u0 Application Error: com.ibsbankmobile EXITING}
04-02 17:15:34.847 2526 2587 I WindowManager: Destroying surface Surface(name=Application Error: com.ibsbankmobile) called by$H.handleMessage:8481 android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage:110
04-02 17:15:34.857 303 303 I BufferQueueConsumer: [Application Error: com.ibsbankmobile](this:0x75f5216000,id:6204,api:1,p:-1,c:-1) disconnect(C)
04-02 17:15:34.857 303 303 I BufferQueue: [Application Error: com.ibsbankmobile](this:0x75f5216000,id:6204,api:1,p:-1,c:-1) ~BufferQueueCore
the app in question can be found here
can anyone tell or explain to me what is going wrong here? and how can I circumvent it?
any help would be appreciated