a hWnd to a MessageBox can be NULL
if you give NULL as an arg it measns the MessageBox is NonModal
NonModal means you can keep working with the parent application without having to dismiss the MessageBox
which version of ollydbg are you using if it was v 1.0 it came with a default commandline plugin (alt + f1) where you can type [ebp+8] and get the result
if you are using v 2.0 use ctrl+g on the respective panes
if you want to view in dump select dump pane first and then
hit ctrl+g type in [ebp+8] and follow expression
or you can use the address relative to option in stack to have a visual
do not use the executable from octopuslabs it is probably trojanned
the exe from crackmes.cf appears to be 1 kb less than that of octopuslabs exe
anyway at [ebp+8] you wont get the same handle as in the tutorial it will be different for each invocation
just because you have a different handle does not matter
C:\lafarge2>ls -R
crackme.exe octo
filehash.py getoctocrackme.bat
C:\lafarge2>cat octo\getoctocrackme.bat
wget -c hxxp://BEWARE_MALWARE_octopuslabs.io/legend/files/tuts/R4ndom_tutorial_22.zip
C:\lafarge2>cd octo
Length: 1555447 (1.5M) [application/zip]
Saving to: 'R4ndom_tutorial_22.zip'
C:\lafarge2\octo>e:\7z\7z.exe e R4ndom_tutorial_22.zip
Everything is Ok
Files: 7
C:\lafarge2>fc crackme.exe octo\crackme.exe
Comparing files crackme.exe and OCTO\CRACKME.EXE
000000CE: 04 05
0000095F: 79 C9
C:\lafarge2>octo\filehash.py crackme.exe
C:\lafarge2>octo\filehash.py octo\crackme.exe
an extra section
C:\lafarge2>dumpbin /nologo octo\crackme.exe | tail -n 5 & dumpbin /nologo crackme.exe | tail -n 5
8000 .data
1000 .r4nd
1000 .rdata
B000 .rsrc
4000 .text
8000 .data
1000 .rdata
B000 .rsrc
4000 .text
handle to be 0 just from Immunity not showing its value at the call site? Judging from the code this is inside a window proc and I do not see a way for the passedHWND
handle to be NULL there,GetDlgItemTextA
would fail in that case anyway. Have you checked[ebp+8]