I debug a program with IDA, it have a part of code that i don't understand
loc_8048E30: ; CODE XREF: phase_6+9Ej
.text:08048E30 mov esi, [esi+8]
.text:08048E33 inc ebx
.text:08048E34 cmp ebx, eax
.text:08048E36 jl short loc_8048E30
line 1: mov esi, [esi+8]
when I debug address of esi is 0x804B260
so esi+8
is 0x804B268
The value in [esi+8]
is 60h
so after mov esi, [esi+8]
, the value in esi
is 60h
but it really is 0x804B260
. Why it is 0x804B260
And when esi is named .data:node2, it is linked link?