I just tried to convert the asm code shown belown, but I failed to get the same result

00ACDE11  /MOV AL,BYTE PTR DS:[EBX]          
00ACDE13  |MOV EDX,EAX                       
00ACDE15  |ADD DL,0CF                        
00ACDE18  |SUB DL,9                          
00ACDE1B  |JB SHORT 00ACDE46            ;Especially this     
00ACDE1D  |ADD DL,0F9                        
00ACDE20  |SUB DL,0E                         
00ACDE23  |JB SHORT 00ACDE46            ;Especially this     
00ACDE25  |DEC EDX                           
00ACDE26  |SUB DL,0B                         
00ACDE29  |JB SHORT 00ACDE46            ;Especially this     
00ACDE2B  |XOR EAX,EAX                       
00ACDE2D  |MOV AL,BYTE PTR SS:[EBP-310]      
00ACDE33  |DEC EAX                           
00ACDE34  |CALL 009E2D24                     
00ACDE39  |MOV EDI,EAX                       
00ACDE42  |MOV BYTE PTR DS:[EBX],AL          
00ACDE44  |JMP SHORT 00ACDE48                
00ACDE46  |MOV BYTE PTR DS:[EBX],AL          
00ACDE48  |INC EBX                           
00ACDE49  |DEC ESI                           
00ACDE4A  \JNZ SHORT 00ACDE11                

I already does some research effort on the internet and found that carry flag is set when an overflow is caused. This is what I already tried:

for(int i=0; i < n ;i++)
    int c = buffer[i] + 0xC6;

    if(c > 0xFF) // <---- this is not producing the same result
        c = ((unsigned char) c) + 0xEB;

        if(c > 0xFF) // <---- this is not producing the same result
            c = ((unsigned char) c) - 0xC;

            if(c > 0xFF) // <---- this is not producing the same result


  • C has no concept of overflow (unless you call "this is undefined behaviour" a concept), so you can't really translate this to C; you'll have to understand the assembler. Commented May 22, 2016 at 6:41
  • 1
    As checking overflow is "after the fact" and not accessible in C, you can invert it by checking for < 14 before doing the subtraction.
    – Jongware
    Commented May 22, 2016 at 11:05

1 Answer 1


This is what I wanted so far, this worked fine for me:

for(int i=0; i < n ;i++)
    int c = buffer[i] + 0xCF;
    c = (unsigned char)c;
    c -= 9;
    if (c > 0)
        c += 0xF9;
        c = (unsigned char)c;
        c -= 0xE;
        if (c > 0)
            c = (unsigned char)c;
            c -= 0xC;
            if (c > 0)


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