I'm trying to decompile some singleplayer code for a game (C++ on X86 architecture Linux). I do this with the help of some already available source code, a file (compiled on linux) with debug information and Ida Pro (Mainly only using pseudo-c code conversion). So far everything has been going good up until now. There is a comparison going on which I can't make any sense of.
Below is a part of the function that is the problem:
if (v28)
health_1 = Commands->Get_Health(obj);
this->field_1C = health_1;
v14 = health_1 < 0.0;
v15 = 0;
v16 = health_1 == 0.0;
if ((HIBYTE(v13) & 0x45) == 64)
v17 = this->field_20 - this->field_1C + this->field_24;
v17 = this->field_20 - this->field_1C;
v18 = v17;
v19 = ScriptImpClass::Get_Float_Parameter(&this->base, "Damage_multiplier") * v18;
this->field_24 = v19 + this->field_24;
v20 = this->field_20 - v19;
Commands->Set_Health(obj, v20);
this->field_20 = Commands->Get_Health(obj);
this->field_1C = Commands->Get_Health(obj);
There is the following comparison:
if ((HIBYTE(v13) & 0x45) == 64)
I just cannot figure out what is being checked here. I believe that the if (v28) statement starts at address .text:084D16BF. Below is the complete bytecode of the function and the structure layout of M00_Damage_Modifier_DME
00000000 GameObjObserverClass struc; (sizeof = 0x8, mappedto_2746); XREF: ScriptClass / r
00000000 vPtr dd ? ; offset
00000004 ID dd ?
00000008 GameObjObserverClass ends
00000000 ScriptClass struc; (sizeof = 0x8, mappedto_2767); XREF: ScriptImpClass / r
00000000 base GameObjObserverClass ?
00000008 ScriptClass ends
00000000 ScriptImpClass struc; (sizeof = 0x1C, mappedto_2754)
00000000; XREF: _ZN17M08_Prison_Patrol7CreatedEP17ScriptableGameObj / r
00000000; _ZN10M08_Sniper7CreatedEP17ScriptableGameObj / r ...
00000000 base ScriptClass ?
00000008 mOwner dd ? ; offset
0000000C mArgC dd ?
00000010 mArgV dd ? ; offset
00000014 mFactory dd ? ; offset
00000018 AutoVariableList dd ? ; offset
0000001C ScriptImpClass ends
00000000 M00_Damage_Modifier_DME struc; (sizeof = 0x3C, mappedto_2798)
00000000 base ScriptImpClass ?
0000001C field_1C dd ?
00000020 field_20 dd ?
00000024 field_24 dd ?
00000028 killableByStar dd ?
0000002C killableByNotStar dd ?
00000030 starModifier dd ?
00000034 notStarModifier dd ?
00000038 enabled db ?
00000039 pad_01 db ?
0000003A pad_02 db ?
0000003B pad_03 db ?
0000003C M00_Damage_Modifier_DME ends
.text:084D1582; void __cdecl M00_Damage_Modifier_DME::Damaged(M00_Damage_Modifier_DME *this, ScriptableGameObj *obj, ScriptableGameObj *damager, float amount)
.text:084D1582 public _ZN23M00_Damage_Modifier_DME7DamagedEP17ScriptableGameObjS1_f; weak
.text:084D1582 _ZN23M00_Damage_Modifier_DME7DamagedEP17ScriptableGameObjS1_f proc near
.text:084D1582; DATA XREF : .data : 08659468o
.text:084D1582 var_5C = dword ptr - 5Ch
.text:084D1582 var_58 = dword ptr - 58h
.text:084D1582 var_43 = byte ptr - 43h
.text:084D1582 var_42 = byte ptr - 42h
.text:084D1582 var_41 = byte ptr - 41h
.text:084D1582 var_40 = dword ptr - 40h
.text:084D1582 pos_1 = Vector3 ptr - 3Ch
.text:084D1582 pos = Vector3 ptr - 2Ch
.text:084D1582 this = dword ptr 4
.text:084D1582 obj = dword ptr 8
.text:084D1582 damager = dword ptr 0Ch
.text:084D1582 amount = dword ptr 10h
.text:084D1582 push ebp
.text:084D1583 push edi
.text:084D1584 push esi
.text:084D1585 push ebx
.text:084D1586 sub esp, 3Ch
.text:084D1589 mov edi, [esp + 4Ch + this]
.text:084D158D mov ebp, [esp + 4Ch + obj]
.text:084D1591 cmp byte ptr[edi + 38h], 0
.text:084D1595 jz loc_84D184B
.text:084D159B mov[esp + 4Ch + var_41], 0
.text:084D15A0 cmp dword ptr[edi + 30h], 0
.text:084D15A4 jnz short loc_84D15DD
.text:084D15A6 sub esp, 0Ch
.text:084D15A9 mov esi, Commands
.text:084D15AF lea ebx, [esp + 58h + pos]
.text:084D15B3 sub esp, 10h
.text:084D15B6 mov eax, [edi]
.text:084D15B8 push edi
.text:084D15B9 call dword ptr[eax + 48h]
.text:084D15BC add esp, 8
.text:084D15BF push eax
.text:084D15C0 push ebx
.text:084D15C1 call dword ptr[esi + 40h]
.text:084D15C4 add esp, 10h
.text:084D15C7 push ebx
.text:084D15C8 call dword ptr[esi + 110h]
.text:084D15CE add esp, 10h
.text:084D15D1 cmp[esp + 4Ch + damager], eax
.text:084D15D5 jnz short loc_84D15DD
.text:084D15D7 cmp dword ptr[edi + 28h], 0
.text:084D15DB jnz short loc_84D161A
.text:084D15DD loc_84D15DD : ; CODE XREF : M00_Damage_Modifier_DME::Damaged(ScriptableGameObj *, ScriptableGameObj *, float) + 22j
.text:084D15DD; M00_Damage_Modifier_DME::Damaged(ScriptableGameObj *, ScriptableGameObj *, float) + 53j
.text:084D15DD cmp dword ptr[edi + 34h], 0
.text:084D15E1 jnz short loc_84D161F
.text:084D15E3 sub esp, 0Ch
.text:084D15E6 mov esi, Commands
.text:084D15EC lea ebx, [esp + 58h + pos_1]
.text:084D15F0 sub esp, 10h
.text:084D15F3 mov eax, [edi]
.text:084D15F5 push edi
.text:084D15F6 call dword ptr[eax + 48h]
.text:084D15F9 add esp, 8
.text:084D15FC push eax
.text:084D15FD push ebx
.text:084D15FE call dword ptr[esi + 40h]
.text:084D1601 add esp, 10h
.text:084D1604 push ebx
.text:084D1605 call dword ptr[esi + 110h]
.text:084D160B add esp, 10h
.text:084D160E cmp[esp + 4Ch + damager], eax
.text:084D1612 jz short loc_84D161F
.text:084D1614 cmp dword ptr[edi + 2Ch], 0
.text:084D1618 jz short loc_84D161F
.text:084D161A loc_84D161A : ; CODE XREF : M00_Damage_Modifier_DME::Damaged(ScriptableGameObj *, ScriptableGameObj *, float) + 59j
.text:084D161A mov[esp + 4Ch + var_41], 1
.text:084D161F loc_84D161F : ; CODE XREF : M00_Damage_Modifier_DME::Damaged(ScriptableGameObj *, ScriptableGameObj *, float) + 5Fj
.text:084D161F; M00_Damage_Modifier_DME::Damaged(ScriptableGameObj *, ScriptableGameObj *, float) + 90j ...
.text:084D161F cmp[esp + 4Ch + var_41], 0
.text:084D1624 jz short loc_84D163B
.text:084D1626 sub esp, 0Ch
.text:084D1629 push ebp
.text:084D162A mov eax, Commands
.text:084D162F call dword ptr[eax + 0DCh]
.text:084D1635 fstp dword ptr[edi + 20h]
.text:084D1638 add esp, 10h
.text:084D163B loc_84D163B : ; CODE XREF : M00_Damage_Modifier_DME::Damaged(ScriptableGameObj *, ScriptableGameObj *, float) + A2j
.text:084D163B mov[esp + 4Ch + var_42], 0
.text:084D1640 cmp dword ptr[edi + 30h], 0
.text:084D1644 jz short loc_84D167D
.text:084D1646 sub esp, 0Ch
.text:084D1649 mov esi, Commands
.text:084D164F lea ebx, [esp + 58h + pos_1]
.text:084D1653 sub esp, 10h
.text:084D1656 mov eax, [edi]
.text:084D1658 push edi
.text:084D1659 call dword ptr[eax + 48h]
.text:084D165C add esp, 8
.text:084D165F push eax
.text:084D1660 push ebx
.text:084D1661 call dword ptr[esi + 40h]
.text:084D1664 add esp, 10h
.text:084D1667 push ebx
.text:084D1668 call dword ptr[esi + 110h]
.text:084D166E add esp, 10h
.text:084D1671 cmp[esp + 4Ch + damager], eax
.text:084D1675 jnz short loc_84D167D
.text:084D1677 cmp dword ptr[edi + 28h], 0
.text:084D167B jnz short loc_84D16BA
.text:084D167D loc_84D167D : ; CODE XREF : M00_Damage_Modifier_DME::Damaged(ScriptableGameObj *, ScriptableGameObj *, float) + C2j
.text:084D167D; M00_Damage_Modifier_DME::Damaged(ScriptableGameObj *, ScriptableGameObj *, float) + F3j
.text:084D167D cmp dword ptr[edi + 34h], 0
.text:084D1681 jz short loc_84D16BF
.text:084D1683 sub esp, 0Ch
.text:084D1686 mov esi, Commands
.text:084D168C lea ebx, [esp + 58h + pos]
.text:084D1690 sub esp, 10h
.text:084D1693 mov eax, [edi]
.text:084D1695 push edi
.text:084D1696 call dword ptr[eax + 48h]
.text:084D1699 add esp, 8
.text:084D169C push eax
.text:084D169D push ebx
.text:084D169E call dword ptr[esi + 40h]
.text:084D16A1 add esp, 10h
.text:084D16A4 push ebx
.text:084D16A5 call dword ptr[esi + 110h]
.text:084D16AB add esp, 10h
.text:084D16AE cmp[esp + 4Ch + damager], eax
.text:084D16B2 jz short loc_84D16BF
.text:084D16B4 cmp dword ptr[edi + 2Ch], 0
.text:084D16B8 jz short loc_84D16BF
.text:084D16BA loc_84D16BA : ; CODE XREF : M00_Damage_Modifier_DME::Damaged(ScriptableGameObj *, ScriptableGameObj *, float) + F9j
.text:084D16BA mov[esp + 4Ch + var_42], 1
.text:084D16BF loc_84D16BF : ; CODE XREF : M00_Damage_Modifier_DME::Damaged(ScriptableGameObj *, ScriptableGameObj *, float) + FFj
.text:084D16BF; M00_Damage_Modifier_DME::Damaged(ScriptableGameObj *, ScriptableGameObj *, float) + 130j ...
.text:084D16BF cmp[esp + 4Ch + var_42], 0
.text:084D16C4 jz loc_84D1758
.text:084D16CA sub esp, 0Ch
.text:084D16CD push ebp
.text:084D16CE mov eax, Commands
.text:084D16D3 call dword ptr[eax + 0DCh]
.text:084D16D9 fst dword ptr[edi + 1Ch]
.text:084D16DC add esp, 10h
.text:084D16DF fldz
.text:084D16E1 fxch st(1)
.text:084D16E3 fucompp
.text:084D16E5 fnstsw ax
.text:084D16E7 and ah, 45h
.text:084D16EA xor ah, 40h
.text:084D16ED jnz short loc_84D16FA
.text:084D16EF fld dword ptr[edi + 20h]
.text:084D16F2 fsub dword ptr[edi + 1Ch]
.text:084D16F5 fadd dword ptr[edi + 24h]
.text:084D16F8 jmp short loc_84D1700
.text:084D16FA; -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -
.text:084D16FA loc_84D16FA : ; CODE XREF : M00_Damage_Modifier_DME::Damaged(ScriptableGameObj *, ScriptableGameObj *, float) + 16Bj
.text:084D16FA fld dword ptr[edi + 20h]
.text:084D16FD fsub dword ptr[edi + 1Ch]
.text:084D1700 loc_84D1700 : ; CODE XREF : M00_Damage_Modifier_DME::Damaged(ScriptableGameObj *, ScriptableGameObj *, float) + 176j
.text:084D1700 fstp[esp + 4Ch + var_40]
.text:084D1704 sub esp, 8
.text:084D1707 push offset aDamage_multi_0; "Damage_multiplier"
.text:084D170C push edi; this
.text:084D170D call _ZN14ScriptImpClass19Get_Float_ParameterEPKc; ScriptImpClass::Get_Float_Parameter(char const*)
.text:084D1712 fmul[esp + 5Ch + var_40]
.text:084D1716 fld st
.text:084D1718 fadd dword ptr[edi + 24h]
.text:084D171B fstp dword ptr[edi + 24h]
.text:084D171E add esp, 4
.text:084D1721 fsubr dword ptr[edi + 20h]
.text:084D1724 fstp[esp + 58h + var_58]
.text:084D1727 push ebp
.text:084D1728 mov eax, Commands
.text:084D172D call dword ptr[eax + 0E4h]
.text:084D1733 mov[esp + 5Ch + var_5C], ebp
.text:084D1736 mov eax, Commands
.text:084D173B call dword ptr[eax + 0DCh]
.text:084D1741 fstp dword ptr[edi + 20h]
.text:084D1744 mov[esp + 5Ch + var_5C], ebp
.text:084D1747 mov eax, Commands
.text:084D174C call dword ptr[eax + 0DCh]
.text:084D1752 fstp dword ptr[edi + 1Ch]
.text:084D1755 add esp, 10h
.text:084D1758 loc_84D1758 : ; CODE XREF : M00_Damage_Modifier_DME::Damaged(ScriptableGameObj *, ScriptableGameObj *, float) + 142j
.text:084D1758 mov[esp + 4Ch + var_43], 0
.text:084D175D cmp dword ptr[edi + 30h], 0
.text:084D1761 jz short loc_84D179A
.text:084D1763 sub esp, 0Ch
.text:084D1766 mov esi, Commands
.text:084D176C lea ebx, [esp + 58h + pos_1]
.text:084D1770 sub esp, 10h
.text:084D1773 mov eax, [edi]
.text:084D1775 push edi
.text:084D1776 call dword ptr[eax + 48h]
.text:084D1779 add esp, 8
.text:084D177C push eax
.text:084D177D push ebx
.text:084D177E call dword ptr[esi + 40h]
.text:084D1781 add esp, 10h
.text:084D1784 push ebx
.text:084D1785 call dword ptr[esi + 110h]
.text:084D178B add esp, 10h
.text:084D178E cmp[esp + 4Ch + damager], eax
.text:084D1792 jnz short loc_84D179A
.text:084D1794 cmp dword ptr[edi + 28h], 0
.text:084D1798 jz short loc_84D17D7
.text:084D179A loc_84D179A : ; CODE XREF : M00_Damage_Modifier_DME::Damaged(ScriptableGameObj *, ScriptableGameObj *, float) + 1DFj
.text:084D179A; M00_Damage_Modifier_DME::Damaged(ScriptableGameObj *, ScriptableGameObj *, float) + 210j
.text:084D179A cmp dword ptr[edi + 34h], 0
.text:084D179E jz short loc_84D17DC
.text:084D17A0 sub esp, 0Ch
.text:084D17A3 mov esi, Commands
.text:084D17A9 lea ebx, [esp + 58h + pos]
.text:084D17AD sub esp, 10h
.text:084D17B0 mov eax, [edi]
.text:084D17B2 push edi
.text:084D17B3 call dword ptr[eax + 48h]
.text:084D17B6 add esp, 8
.text:084D17B9 push eax
.text:084D17BA push ebx
.text:084D17BB call dword ptr[esi + 40h]
.text:084D17BE add esp, 10h
.text:084D17C1 push ebx
.text:084D17C2 call dword ptr[esi + 110h]
.text:084D17C8 add esp, 10h
.text:084D17CB cmp[esp + 4Ch + damager], eax
.text:084D17CF jz short loc_84D17DC
.text:084D17D1 cmp dword ptr[edi + 2Ch], 0
.text:084D17D5 jnz short loc_84D17DC
.text:084D17D7 loc_84D17D7 : ; CODE XREF : M00_Damage_Modifier_DME::Damaged(ScriptableGameObj *, ScriptableGameObj *, float) + 216j
.text:084D17D7 mov[esp + 4Ch + var_43], 1
.text:084D17DC loc_84D17DC : ; CODE XREF : M00_Damage_Modifier_DME::Damaged(ScriptableGameObj *, ScriptableGameObj *, float) + 21Cj
.text:084D17DC; M00_Damage_Modifier_DME::Damaged(ScriptableGameObj *, ScriptableGameObj *, float) + 24Dj ...
.text:084D17DC cmp[esp + 4Ch + var_43], 0
.text:084D17E1 jz short loc_84D184B
.text:084D17E3 sub esp, 0Ch
.text:084D17E6 push ebp
.text:084D17E7 mov eax, Commands
.text:084D17EC call dword ptr[eax + 0DCh]
.text:084D17F2 fstp dword ptr[edi + 1Ch]
.text:084D17F5 add esp, 8
.text:084D17F8 fld dword ptr[edi + 20h]
.text:084D17FB fsub dword ptr[edi + 1Ch]
.text:084D17FE fstp[esp + 54h + var_40]
.text:084D1802 push offset aDamage_multi_0; "Damage_multiplier"
.text:084D1807 push edi; this
.text:084D1808 call _ZN14ScriptImpClass19Get_Float_ParameterEPKc; ScriptImpClass::Get_Float_Parameter(char const*)
.text:084D180D fmul[esp + 5Ch + var_40]
.text:084D1811 add esp, 4
.text:084D1814 fsubr dword ptr[edi + 20h]
.text:084D1817 fstp[esp + 58h + var_58]
.text:084D181A push ebp
.text:084D181B mov eax, Commands
.text:084D1820 call dword ptr[eax + 0E4h]
.text:084D1826 mov[esp + 5Ch + var_5C], ebp
.text:084D1829 mov eax, Commands
.text:084D182E call dword ptr[eax + 0DCh]
.text:084D1834 fstp dword ptr[edi + 20h]
.text:084D1837 mov[esp + 5Ch + var_5C], ebp
.text:084D183A mov eax, Commands
.text:084D183F call dword ptr[eax + 0DCh]
.text:084D1845 fstp dword ptr[edi + 1Ch]
.text:084D1848 add esp, 10h
.text:084D184B loc_84D184B : ; CODE XREF : M00_Damage_Modifier_DME::Damaged(ScriptableGameObj *, ScriptableGameObj *, float) + 13j
.text:084D184B; M00_Damage_Modifier_DME::Damaged(ScriptableGameObj *, ScriptableGameObj *, float) + 25Fj
.text:084D184B add esp, 3Ch
.text:084D184E pop ebx
.text:084D184F pop esi
.text:084D1850 pop edi
.text:084D1851 pop ebp
.text:084D1852 retn
.text:084D1852 _ZN23M00_Damage_Modifier_DME7DamagedEP17ScriptableGameObjS1_f endp
.text:084D1852; -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -
I tried looking up the opcodes at that area, but it didn't help me solve it either. I'm a complete noob when it comes to assembly.