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joxeankoret's user avatar
joxeankoret's user avatar
  • Member for 11 years, 6 months
  • Last seen this week
42 votes

What are the targets of professional reverse software engineering?

36 votes

Where can I, as an individual, get malware samples to analyze?

30 votes

Decent GUI for GDB

17 votes

how can I diff two x86 binaries at assembly code level?

14 votes

What is an "opaque predicate"?

12 votes

How do AV vendors create signatures for polymorphic viruses?

12 votes

Decoding the UPX ELF header file

11 votes

How to modify/replace a non exported function in a native code dll

10 votes

How do anti-virus programs catch a virus? How they detect it?

10 votes

Tool or data for analysis of binary code to detect CPU architecture

9 votes

Hooking functions in Linux and/or OSX?

9 votes

Are there any interactive decompilers besides HexRays?

8 votes

Idapython: How to get the opcode bytes corresponding to an instruction?

8 votes

IDAPython: How to get function argument values

8 votes

What is "overlapping instructions" obfuscation?

7 votes

How to check if an ELF file is UPX packed?

7 votes

How to compile c, cpp and python code as "Released/Final" version?

7 votes

What is the difference between IDA and OllyDbg?

6 votes

Do IDA Python plugins work with IDA free or only IDA pro?

6 votes

Generating call graph for assembly instructions

6 votes

How can we determine that malware are related?

6 votes

Is there any simple open source Windows packer?

6 votes

What is your vulnerability discovery process?

5 votes

How to design opaque predicates?

5 votes

IDA Proximity viewer not finding obvious paths?

5 votes

Open-Source library for Complete Binary Disassembly

5 votes

Wierd names in import table

5 votes

Lifting up binaries of any arch into an intermediate language for static analysis

4 votes

Is reverse engineering legal?

4 votes

reverse engineering methodology