7 votes

Is it possible to download program database (PDB) files of Microsoft Windows binaries without installing any software?

You can use PDB downloader which doesn’t require any installation https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/archive/blogs/webtopics/pdb-downloader. Or you could use its source below to see how you could ...
chentiangemalc's user avatar
7 votes

IDA does not create Vtbl structs for child classes loaded from PDB

As far as I know, everything you've said is 100% correct. I've experienced the same issues. In fact, I was working on this exact problem in the background when a friend sent me a link to this post. ...
Rolf Rolles's user avatar
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5 votes

Symbols visible in EXE file without PDB

dynamic_cast requires a runtime check that the cast is valid at execution time and the usual implementation uses RTTI (Run-time type information) attached to all classes participating in the casts. ...
Igor Skochinsky's user avatar
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4 votes

PDB file vs SDB file?

While sdb files was created to translate imports that are referenced by ordinal instead of by name (see "Exporting Functions from a DLL by Ordinal Rather Than by Name"), pdb files are something ...
Megabeets's user avatar
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4 votes

How to load a pdb file from the hard drive with IDA Pro?

Either put the PDB in the same folder as the executable, or use File->Load file->PDB file (after opening the .EXE in IDA) to load the PDB from whatever path you like on the disk.
Rolf Rolles's user avatar
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4 votes

How to load a PDB file into x64dbg?

You can use symload/loadsym command. In the x64dbg console type: symload pdbconsoleapplication1,symbols\pdbconsoleapplication1.pdb,[0/1] With the last argument, you can control if the validation of ...
Paweł Łukasik's user avatar
4 votes

PE ImageBase presence in PDB

I believe this information is not stored within the PDB files in any recent versions. Microsoft's DIA SDK used for dumping information contained in PDB files does provide a method named ...
ynwarcs's user avatar
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3 votes

Load PDB for MemoryModule-loaded DLL in x64dbg

x64dbg has the virtualmod command, which (in theory) can be used to detect modules loaded from memory, rather than via LoadLibrary* APIs: virtualmod Tell the debugger to treat a memory range as a ...
ynwarcs's user avatar
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3 votes

How to load a pdb file from the hard drive with IDA Pro?

To load a PDB for your own DLL, as already mentioned, use File -> Load file -> PDB file. To load a PDB for a Microsoft DLL from the public PDB server: Set _NT_SYMBOL_PATH environment variable ...
rustyx's user avatar
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3 votes

Mono.Cecil throws SymbolsNotMatchingException, how to find out Method line number?

So all the steps above are correct the way they were described. The only thing I have done wrong was, that my target DLL was modified by Mono.Cecil before (I already had read and wrote my target DLL ...
programming_is_bae's user avatar
3 votes

Is it possible to download program database (PDB) files of Microsoft Windows binaries without installing any software?

With the same issue, I made a PowerShell script based on PDB-Downloader. You can find it in my GitHub. It Requires PowerShell 7.3 or newer. In action: PS: Help me test it.
Francisco Nabas's user avatar
3 votes

Is all debug information of VS-compiled PE files contained in an external PDB file?

Old versions of link.exe supported the /debugtype argument that used these options: /debugtype:coff use COFF format /debugtype:cv use CodeView or Program Database format (depends on /pdb ...
josh poley's user avatar
2 votes

Is it possible to use PDB files to perform on the fly binary patching?

Yes, you can use the Debug Interface Access Software Development Kit (DIA SDK) to access the information stored in a PDB.
Jason Geffner's user avatar
1 vote

How to call unexported function in a third party DLL while having its PDB?

You have to: 1. Load the DLL into your process. In runtime, Windows' LoadLibrary api, will load the DLL and return a handle, which is the base address for the loaded module. 2. Get the address of the ...
Yotamz's user avatar
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1 vote

How to find the correct GUID in DLL to match its Pdb

though both portable pdb and /Brepro are recent developments post the GUID age compressed file format of pdb for your specific case the pdb does not seem to exist in ms symbol servers. :\>wget -c -...
blabb's user avatar
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1 vote

.NET: It's possible to recover original source code from compiled .exe when I have all the .vshost, .pdb and compiled files?

While PDBs will certainly help in decompilation (e.g. with you may be able to recover names of functions, classes, and maybe even local variables), they don't contain the original source code and ...
Igor Skochinsky's user avatar
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