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21 votes

How to generate the call graph of a binary file?

You can use radare2 or one of the alternatives below to generate a full call-graph in dot format. radare2 Installation First of all, install radare2 from git repository: $ git clone https://...
Megabeets's user avatar
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8 votes

How to generate the call graph of a binary file?

You might want to give angr a try. Load the binary. Suppose p is the angr Project instance. Generate a CFG: cfg = p.analyses.CFG(show_progressbar=True). Access/traverse the call graph (which is a ...
Fish's user avatar
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3 votes

Point-to analysis of IDA Pro

The topic of pointer analysis is an important part of theoretical static analysis. Many articles and academic publications have been written about pointer analysis, this is a heavily researched field. ...
NirIzr's user avatar
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3 votes

How to find paths from current offset to given address using radare2?

When I realized that this feature was not implement, I made a workaround to get what I want. I output the full program call graph then made a very simple python script that uses networkx to find ...
Z. Cass's user avatar
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3 votes

How to find paths from current offset to given address using radare2?

Seems like the feature is not implemented yet. As you can see in this function: ... if (root && dest) { if (dest == root) { eprintf ("Source and destination are the same\n"); ...
Megabeets's user avatar
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3 votes

How to generate the call graph of a binary file?

You can use angr-utils in order to generate the graph from angr : For more information please see:
n4sm's user avatar
  • 63
2 votes

Best python framework/library for constructing the call-graph from binary?

My suggestion is that you generate a graphviz ( file with all the nodes and all the information that you want and then with the command dot you paint the graph. However, if you ...
camp0's user avatar
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2 votes

How to generate the call graph of a binary file?

Check out Callgrind or KCachegrind. Much simpler than any other alternative.
yaspr's user avatar
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2 votes

IDA failed to construct correct graph

IDA sometimes flag functions with "noreturn". In my situation it was due to exceptions in sub_1B64A30. If function is flagged as "noreturn", IDA's analysis stops after calling it. So, in order to ...
mizari's user avatar
  • 81
1 vote

Track execution of bytes in a Linux executable

As @IgorSkochinsky suggests, you can use dynamic binary instrumentation (DBI). One alternative to PIN is DynamoRIO. $ ./ # build script (below) $ gcc gcd.c -o gcd # run one $ $ ./...
devtty1er's user avatar
1 vote

Track execution of bytes in a Linux executable

It seems what you need is an instruction tracer. PIN from Intel is one example of a framework which allows you to make tracing tools. It uses dynamic binary instrumentation to achieve reasonable ...
Igor Skochinsky's user avatar
  • 36.9k

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