you can use windbg wt (watch and trace function to generate an execution flow) 

the demo below is for the code in your query compiled in debug mode (to ensure function calls exist and not optimised away by a simple substitution)

code used for example compiled in msvcpp2ktenexp debug

        int  glob   = 0;
        void f1(int a)  { printf("%d ",a); glob++;}
        void f3(int a)  { printf("F3 %d ",a);}
        void f5(int a)  { printf("F5 %d ",a);}
        void f6(int a)  { printf("%d ",a);}
        void f4(int a)  { f5(5);}
        void f2(int a)  { if(glob == 8) { f3(3); f4(4); } else { f6(6); } }
        void main()     { rndrob:f1(1);f2(2);f1(1);f2(2);if(glob<10){goto rndrob;} }
    dry run results 
    1 6 1 6 1 6 1 6 1 6 1 6 1 6 1 F3 3 F5 5 1 6 1 6

windbg wt results for module flowt function main() edited to remove fluff
statistics at the end shows printf() was called 21 times f3() f4() once etc etc

**:\>cdb -c "g main;wt -m flowt" flowt.exe**

    Tracing flowt!main to return address 00411bcf
       59     0 [  0] flowt!main
       62     0 [  1]   flowt!f1
    1    72     0 [  2]     MSVCR100D!printf
       65    72 [  1]   flowt!f1
       62   156 [  0] flowt!main
       61     0 [  1]   flowt!f2
       62     0 [  2]     flowt!f6
       61     0 [  1]   flowt!f2
       62     0 [  2]     flowt!f3
    F3 3    72     0 [  3]       MSVCR100D!printf
       64   153 [  1]   flowt!f2
        62     0 [  3]       flowt!f5
    F5 5    72     0 [  4]         MSVCR100D!printf
       65    72 [  3]       flowt!f5
      141  4073 [  0] flowt!main
    4214 instructions were executed in 4213 events (0 from other threads)
    Function Name                               Invocations MinInst MaxInst AvgInst
    MSVCR100D!printf                                     21      72      72      72
    flowt!f1                                             10      77      77      77
    flowt!f2                                             10      71      75      71
    flowt!f3                                              1      74      74      74
    flowt!f4                                              1      69      69      69
    flowt!f5                                              1      74      74      74
    flowt!f6                                              9      74      74      74
    flowt!main                                            1     141     141     141